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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DUI and Its Effect on Your Vehicle Insurance Premium

By Chimezirim Odimba

Anyone that has been unfortunate enough to receive a DUI knows that they are nothing short of serious, uncomfortable, and costly. Once you have paid more than you ever anticipated there are even more that want to get a piece of you. While those expenses are extreme and took a good chunk of your finances, the worst is still yet to come.

The insurance company always finds out about DUI's, at which time they may outright cancel your policy or raise your rates so high that you may have wished they just cancelled your policy. High risk drivers are often considered uninsurable by insurance companies but regardless, that high risk label will stay with you for some time. It may take a while for your DUI to reach the insurance companies but don't get too excited as it always shows up.

You will be able to buy insurance but your options will be quite limited in regards to who will insure you. How long your DUI trail will remain is a question that isn't easily answered, states decide that and for many it will remain forever.

Each state mandates the laws concerning DUI's and car insurance coverage. Most states make those with a DUI get a form SR-22 from their insurance company, which ensures that everyone knows about your DUI. This form is the method used to get your license reinstated by verifying to the DMV that you possess, at a minimum, liability coverage.

In the event that your coverage were to slip, your insurance company will alert the DMV. Your current premiums could likely double after a DUI.

No laws are enforced to dictate any caps on what is acceptable for an insurance company to charge you after a DUI so they can have a field day with your wallet. It is exceptionally significant that you in no way drive when you have been drinking. A single foolish choice can be a curse for many years.

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