Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Tips on Lowering your Seattle Auto Insurance Premium

By Steve Turner

Are you searching for cheaper Seattle auto insurance rates because of budget constraints? If you obtain quotes from a number of insurance providers and use some great insurance strategies you will be able to find the best rates possible.

If you allow your policy to expire you will have a harder time finding new coverage because you will have been considered uninsured. Providers are likely to charge you up to 20% more than someone who has kept their coverage up to date. To avoid finding yourself in this position, shop for cheaper coverage one month before your current policy expires.

Premiums that are paid in monthly installments will have finance charges built into the costs. Find out what finance charge your provider assesses and calculate if it will be cheaper for you to put the whole premium on your credit card and make equal monthly payments against it. Also ask if they offer a fast payment discount if you pay in full within a specific number of days.

Adding features such as first accident forgiveness can cause you to pay higher premiums now for coverage in an accident that may never ocur. To see if this feature is in your best interest ask your provider what your premium will be with and without it.

Your auto insurance premium can be decreased if you install an alarm or vehicle recovery system in your vehicle. A great resource in determining which to install would be your insurance provider. You can also ask what discounts you may qualify for if you do install one.

The amount of competition in the insurance market right now is resulting in very low prices being available. To make sure that you find the best price for the coverage that you are looking for, request quotes from multiple providers.

Follow the tips above. If you need further information contact an insurance broker. Since brokers work with many insurance providers they will easily be able to find you the best price.

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