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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

When Purchasing Jacksonville Auto Insurance

By J. Lee

In Jacksonville, if you would like to drive, you need a minimum valid state required car insurance. Jacksonville Auto Insurance is not an option, but required by the Florida Department of Motor Vehicle. So, if you are driving, but would like to comply with the law, you would need at least a minimum liability insurance coverage.

To maintain good standing with Florida Department of Motor Vehicles, two required liability coverage is essential. Without these you might find your driver license revoked or receive a fine for driving without the minimum requirements.

The first item that will need to be on your insurance will be $10,000 in personal injury protection on your policy. This will prevent and provide for you from being sued if there is an event where you hit someone and need to pay. Here your insurance will be able to pay for any damage to them as well as any hospital bills that may incur because of the accident.

Furthermore, you need to carry minimum of $10,000 in property damage coverage. This will cover damages to someone else's property because of a car accident. Where you the driver is at fault, regardless who is driving, the coverage is on the car not the person.

There are other items that can be on the car as far as insurance and depending on who owns the car will also determine the amount of coverage necessary. If the bank owns the vehicle because the driver is still paying for it, they may require that more than the minimum coverage be on the vehicle. Items such as collision as well as higher amounts on the other coverage may be a requirement.

Jacksonville Auto Insurance policy should be from Florida, other state insurance is invalid. When the ownership is in Florida, the state requires the insurance to be in Florida. If you are caught driving without the minimum required by the state, your driving privileges will be revoked for six month as well as a fine.

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