Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tips on Saving on Dallas Auto Insurance

By R. Lee

In Dallas auto insurance rates will vary depending on the kind of car you drive, the types and amounts of coverage desired, the agent you choose, or which insurance company you choose. You might be able to lower your insurances costs, however.

Depending on which insurance policy you get, the rates will differ tremendously, even for identical coverage. Make sure you get quotes from multiple insurance agents or companies. Even better, check the internet for discount insurance brokerages or to get rates from multiple carriers.

If you have friends and neighbors living by, ask them for recommendation. Word of mouth is pretty good source to get information regarding Dallas Auto Insurance. Choosing a customer service oriented insurance company is the key, the rates should be affordable as well. But you do not want to be stuck with low insurance carrier that you can never get on the phone, which can be extremely frustrating.

You may also wish to consider higher deductibles on collision and comprehensive, known as fire and theft coverage. By increasing the deductible, which is the amount you'll pay before the insurance is responsible to pay, you may be able to considerably reduce your insurance premiums.

If you have very good medical insurance it might behoove you to consider removing medical payment coverage on your Dallas Auto Insurance. Personal Injury Protection, or PIP as the insurance companies call it, pays medical bills, but it also may pay up to 80% of your lost earnings. PIP may be necessary depending on your medical insurance and if you are the primary breadwinner of your family.

Dropping collision or comprehensive coverage might be an option if your car does not have too much value, if it is an older car. Just having liability insurance might be sufficient. Ask the insurance company or agent about other discounts available. Having multiple cars or homeowners insurance with the same company will save you money in forms of discounts.

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