Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Finding The Right Car Insurance

By Tom Martens

It's not impossible for even those in South Africa to find the right car insurance if you understand your cover options and the techniques needed to save on car insurance premiums.

Third Party Fire and Theft adds to the minimum by including cover for damage caused by theft, attempted theft and fire. Comprehensive Cover includes all of this and pays to cover damage to your own vehicle in an accident that is your fault.You can choose from three basic types of car insurance cover: Third Party, Third Party Fire and Theft and Comprehensive. Third Party is the minimum cover and pays for damage to other people's property caused by an accident that is your fault.

While Comprehensive Cover costs the most, it also provides the greatest amount of coverage. Most South Africans should probably get this kind of insurance to cover all of the risks that they face. Now how do you get this insurance at the best price? These are ten tips that can reduce the cost of your insurance. Not all of them will work for you, but at least some of them will be effective for everyone.

First, shop around and compare quotes. You can find substantial savings just by taking this step to educate yourself about your options. It's easy to do this research online or through a broker. You can also get a discount if you purchase your policy online. Check with individual companies for this option.

Each policy comes with an minimum excess amount. This is the amount you will be responsible to pay in the event you file a claim. If you can afford it, raise your excess amounts to save money in the long run. Just be sure you can pay the excess when you file a claim.

You may gain lower premium with yyour current insurance company by being a safe driver. Each year that passes in which you don't file a claim you may also be eligible to get better rates with another company.

High performance and expensive car models cost more to insure due to their increased risk profile and expensive replacement parts. Be sure to include your insurance premiums in your car shopping budget. Always consider your insurance costs when you're shopping for a vehicle.

Living in high crime areas will increase your rates due to there being a greater possibility of your vehicle being stolen or hijacked. You should greatly consider moving to a better neighborhood, not only to save money on premiums, but for greater personal safety.

You could get a discount if you park your car in a locked garage or behind locked gates overnight. Keeping your vehicle off the street at night reduces the risk that it will be stolen or damaged, therefore reducing your premium.

You can add security devices such as gearlocks or global tracking devices that exceed the minimum requirements and receive a discount.Most insurance companies will have minimum security requirements for the vehicles it insures.

The number of people that are allowed to drive your car will effect your premiums. So when shopping for insurance, it is best to keep the people on the policy as low as possible. The reasoning for this is that the less people that drive the car will make it a lower risk for accidents or things happening.

As with many companies, insurance companies do have room to negotiate. Flexibility and negotiation can put a good insurance plan in your budget. The one thing you have going for you is that they want your business, and sometimes companies have to be flexible to get it.

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