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Monday, March 16, 2009

Finding Cheap DUI Car Insurance

By Thomas Anderson

Prepare yourself for a difficult challenge if your car insurance is dropped after your DUI. The main reason is that you will now be classified as a high risk driver. When you are put into the high risk driver category, you can expect a large increase in your car insurance rates. Your coverage might even be dropped.

Once you have the "tag" of being a high risk driver, finding cheap car insurance will be tougher if you need to look around at other companies. With all insurance companies having access to your history and driving records through the State DMV, they will see about your previous driving history. It will then be up to them to either decline your coverage or offer it with a high premium rate.

When you are classified as a high risk driver, you will be paying more. Sometimes the same insurance company that you were with before your DUI, if they don't drop your coverage, will reassess your rates and it could be almost twice as much, if not more.

When you are shopping around for cheap DUI car insurance, you will be talking to numerous agents. You will want to be honest with them about your record because they can, and will find out the truth about your DUI history. Don't take their decision personally as each company has strict guidelines that they follow about who they will insure.

If you are not honest about your DUI, the company will find it on your records check. This could lead to them dropping you if you have already been given coverage. Or, if they don't drop you, expect a large rate increase to reflect the discovery of your record.

No matter how you look at it, finding cheap car insurance after a DUI will be tough. Being honest and taking your time will usually result in finding the best rates possible.

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