Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cheap Motor Insurance

By Jean J. Tusi

A lot of factors affect your car insurance rate. These factors are based on the risk factors associated to a person that makes his/her car insurance rate high. Knowing these factors can definitely help you decide on how to get cheap motor insurance.

Age-teenagers gets into an accident more frequently according to statistics than drivers above the age of 25

Gender-statistically, female drivers are more responsible on the road than its male counterpart

Geography-Your geographical location makes a difference when it comes to motor insurance rate. People living in areas with little or no traffic are likely to get cheap motor insurance than those living in congested cities since location with a lot of traffic are prone to have more accidents. Some areas also have a higher auto insurance rate of car thefts, which can result in a higher auto insurance premium.

Type of Vehicle-sports car a very expensive to insure

Driving Violation-having multiple traffic infraction (speeding tickets, DWI, reckless driving, etc.) on your driving record, the higher auto insurance premium you will get

Driving Experience

Miles driven each year

Safety features-you can get discount if your vehicle have these

What I recommend though is for you to shop around and compare vehicle insurance quotes from many car insurance companies. A lot of auto insurance websites now place all the top auto insurance providers on one website so it would be easier for consumers to compare car insurance quotes and get the best deal. Automobile insurance companies base their car insurance on their auto insurance claims experiences. One insurance provider may see your geographical location as a higher risk while some carrier may not. Some insurance carrier may charge more due to your work, other company may not. That is why it is best to shop around and review which auto insurance carrier best suits your needs.

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