Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Automobile Insurance Guidelines for Snowbirds

By Chimezirim Odimba

When winter approaches, countless will flee to where there is warmth. Within a couple of hours by plane, they can be basking on a sunny beach. These people leave behind homes and also vehicles.

Car insurance is being paid on a car that isn't being used. Auto insurance is coverage when there is an accident. However, there is a good portion that is there to protect any damages to your car too.

There are several things that make up a car insurance policy. Such things as collision; liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and comprehensive coverage are also part of it. Everything except for comprehensive covers you if you are involved in an accident.

Comprehensive shields your motor vehicle from vandalism, flooding, fire, and theft. Even if a vehicle is not left out in the open it can still suffer damage.

It is a good idea to speak with the representatives from your insurance company and ask them a few questions. It may be possible for you to simply suspend a portion of your policy while you are away. Simply not paying anymore should not be considered.

Every state won't consent to suspending part of your insurance coverage. By law, there is a legal minimum for drivers in regards to their car insurance. Deferring it, in some states, is similar to allowing a lapse.

Once it was time to reinstate your insurance you would have many headaches involved. A number of insurance companies are plainly not enthusiastic about doing this.

Another issue is this, if there is a loan against the car, it is required that you carry full coverage. This means that you would also have to contact those that you carry your loan through. Possibly something else can be done.

Even if your insurer declines your appeal to temporarily suspend your coverage, don't allow the policy to lapse. This will bring about even greater issues later. Once there is a period with no insurance, it is hard to get it again. Your credit report will reflect this decision. Plus, you probably won't have the equivalent payments that you had up to that time.

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