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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Young Driver Insurance Online

By Jon Minor

It is a fact that young drivers insurance is more expensive than the older age group of 26 years +, however there are ways to keep cost lower than your average 16 to 25 year old driver. The reasons that the insurance is higher are obvious because most of the drivers just starting out do have accidents either small fender benders or worse. It is hard to make them understand that they must pay attention to everything like not driving up on a high curb in a car that sets low on the ground,don't be swatting at a fly buzzing around in the car while driving, or don't be talking on the phone while driving.

A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and a parent needs to apply that liberally to their young driver , explain to them all about what what can happen if they have a accident and how it will affect them in the future. Telling your kids that they can be paralyzed or killed if they drive reckless may have a good effect on their driving but bear in mind it can really happen and you have to stamp it into there memory to be ultra careful when driving.

All aspects of driving need to be explained to your kids , they of course think they know it all already but telling them every time they get under the wheel to buckle up, drive careful, do the speed limit, and watch out for the other drivers will eventually set in their everyday driving and they will have a good driving record because of the intense reminders you give them.

Young drivers insurance rates are calculated on the facts at hand, first of all the driver is young, second they have very little experienced,third if they have any driving infractions or insurance claims in their driving history then all of that will go against them,however there are ways to help prevent some common mistakes when a young driver starts out.

Your driving record is very important and anything that damages your record will have a negative effect on your insurance cost , speeding tickets,reckless driving,DUI,endangerment, or any of the charges related to driving will cause problems.

Take time out to learn about each company that you are considering buying insurance from,each company has their own good advantages and disadvantages. Never assume the cheapest rate is the best thing for you, while one rate may be the lowest it may contain clauses in the fine print that is not in your best interest,such as it could have a arbitration clause that you are not aware of.

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