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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Commercial Truck Insurance Explained

By Graham McKenzie

If you own a business you might want to consider getting some commercial truck insurance. This type of insurance doesn?t cover just trucks, but it covers any type of company vehicle you have. Commercial insurance is a very important part of your business, although it can be expensive at times. The rates for your commercial insurance are determined in several different ways.

The first two important things taken into consideration are the car's record and the driver's history. Your company vehicles can be driven only by a qualified person, as one person might be more responsible than the other. If the driver?s past record shows many tickets or accidents, then your insurance may cost higher. Even though the vehicle?s age is taken into account, it is indeed the state that actually matters. The condition of the car is determined by a licensed technician hired for this purpose.

If your company vehicle?s assigned driver has a good driving record then it will greatly benefit your premiums. The driver should also have a legal Commercial Driver's License. If you want desire to further lower your premiums then hire a young driver who is between 30 to 65 years of age. The price will increase if the age is any less or more.

Insurance companies generally want to know what purpose the trucks are used for and how regularly. If it seems that your drivers always on road then you may have to pay more than normal. To keep away from the high costs, you should avail of the several benefits offered by the companies. Sometimes concessions are offered to companies which have been in the business for over three years. This is so because in this case, there is less risk involved as the drivers know the delivery routes very well.

You must be careful about your commercial insurance and save it from getting expired. At times you may have to pay higher premiums, though not every time. Always make your monthly payments on time to ensure the complete safety of your drivers as well as the trucks. A business may often get a huge setback when faced with an unforeseen and costly expense like this, where the damage to a whole truck may have to be borne by it.

It is quite easy to buy commercial truck insurance, provided that you have all your paper work ready. Look around for the best deal, provide your details and get the quotes. This is very significant, as many people are unsure as to what a good deal is and there might be other companies offering better rates. Bear in mind that every insurance companies don?t have commercial insurance, so ask about it, before visiting an agent.

Most importantly, do not let any driver not approved by your insurance company drive one of your company vehicles. Otherwise your insurance will not cover any of the damage caused by an accident. This can be a very huge risk to take with any of your company vehicles. A discussion with your agent will provide good hints that will help you in choosing the commercial insurance that is most suited to your needs.

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