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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Online Quotes For Car Insurance - Where To Get Auto Insurance Quotes Online

By Matt Hellstrom

The Internet has changed the auto insurance business so extensively that it no longer resembles what it was prior to the creation of the World Wide Web in 1992. Back then, when car insurance renewal time came around, an estimated sixty-three per cent of car owners ended up remaining with their insurer, according to the Insurance Institute of America. Today that figure is down to less than twenty-three per cent due to the abilitiy to obtain auto insurance quotes online.

As a group, insurance companies, brokers and agents combined to form a distinct group of what the marketing whizzes call "early adopters." Now, a sub-group called skimmers has formed with Grey Power and the American Association of Retired Persons in the lead. These groups negotiate bulk rates for group members and in so doing skim off the cream of the car insurance crop. With the ease of obtaining auto insurance quotes online, competition for business is fierce.

The insurance companies have to balance off the income they lose in giving group rates to older drivers. That's the way business works. And in this case, business working means rates for high-risk young males and new drivers have soared in part thanks to the Internet. It is no longer uncommon for young drivers to drive without collision coverage even in an almost new car, or to drive with no insurance at all. It is one of those unintended consequence of new technologies.

The benefits of online insurance shopping are so great for the consumer that it will only grow as the preferred way to shop for automobile coverage. The use of the Yellow Pages and telephone as the preferred method of shopping for car insurance continues to drop. By the time someone picks up the phone these days they have likely already checked out the insurer's website, entered their vital statistics and gotten a quote.

Surveys of those who do shop for car insurance online consistently rank "Convenience" as the number one reason people shop on the internet for car insurance. They love the ability to get an instant quote without having to trade voice mails, or even speak with anyone.

When you are at an online car insurance site, a dialog box will ask you all the right questions - the questions you didn't know you should have been asking. Typically these include; number of years driving, make and model of car, place of residence, whether or not the vehicle is used to commute to work, moving violations within the past X-amount of years, etc.

Perhaps one of the most attractive and informative features of otaining an auto insurance quote online besides shopping for car insurance is when you decide to shop for a new car. Many sites that offer online auto insurance quotes have a feature where people can find out the different rates per vehicle. When evaluating comparable models that vary greatly in dealer invoice prices, the car insurance cost can be a deal breaker or maker.

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