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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Installing Your Car Security System Correctly

By Colin Samuels

The security and safety of your car is not something to be taken lightly. Having a reliable security system is something that most people feel is a necessary part of car ownership.

Choosing the right kind of car security is your first step. However, after you have selected the right type of security for you, installation will be next. Many people opt to do this on their own rather than paying big bucks for a professional to install it for you. It is possible to do as long as you are careful and have a reasonable idea of what it is that you are doing.

It can make a huge difference to your wallet to make the decision to install your car security system yourself. It can be an incredibly large job though and it may be beneficial to have a friend assist you to make it go smoother and faster. You will want to read through the instructions first and make sure that you are comfortable doing all that is required. If you have zero knowledge in this area then you may want to seek out help so you do not overlook anything important.

While you are installing your system, keep your instructions close by. First, you will need to mount the system's "brain." The brain should be secure and should not move or wiggle when the car itself is moving.

After you do this, you are going to need to mount the system's sensors. Oftentimes, these components mount under the dash, because they are out of sight, and out of the way.

If you wish to have a keyless entry system then you will have to tie in the system to your door and lock controls. This will definitely require instructions because not every car is the same. After you hook this up you will need to make sure that everything is working as it should. All it takes is a crossed wire to throw everything off. Test each feature as you go.

As to the siren for the security system, you will usually mount this under the hood of the car. It should not directly touch anything that is going get very hot, like the engine. If you do not know where the siren should be mounted, call someone who knows what to do or read through the instructions for further directions.

Take a look at everything and make sure it is not going to be too wet or too hot, no matter the conditions. This is very important to make sure your security system keeps functioning properly. You may be very tempted to do things "your way," but it is a good way to get yourself into trouble if you do not know what you are doing.

Test every component and feature of the security system, thoroughly. If something does not work right, take a close look at it. If it still does not work, go to your place of purchase or call it, for more help and information. If you do not install your car security system correctly, it is not going to do the job you bought it for.

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