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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Car Accident Insurance Claim Process Explained

By Graham McKenzie

Filing a car accident insurance claim is a very easy affair, but processing it correctly becomes difficult because of the thrill caused due to the accident. If all information is furnished in the right manner then the claim shouldn?t take more than a week to get processed, even if getting the check for the damage and expenses may take almost a month to reach by mail.

Once you are in an accident you should first check to make sure that everyone is all right. If it was a severe accident someone may have to call 911 to get help. It is also important to remember that you should not admit fault at any time after an accident. If it turns out that the accident wasn?t your fault you may still end up paying as a result. Try to get everyone calmed down and relaxed before approaching the other driver or drivers.

Really the only contact you must have with the other driver is to get their information. You need to get their name, number, address, and insurance information. If the other driver appears to be upset you can have a police officer do this for you. The police officer will start writing up a report about all the information they can gather.

Before anything else is done you should take a few quick pictures. Of course, if you are in a busy area they will want to get the cars out of the way as soon as possible, but you need to get pictures before anything is moved. Get pictures of the damage to both cars and the surrounding area.

You must also call your claims representative at this time. If both the parties have a little time to spare then the claims representative can come at the spot and inspect. They assist in the claims process by taking pictures, questioning the witnesses, and preparing the report accordingly. The agents also assist you by filling up the form either with you in person or over the phone. The agents may want to know the accurate time and location of the accident. You may also get a copy of the police report and send it to the insurance company.

Generally, you are free to leave the scene after you have called your claims representative, taken pictures, and exchanged information with the other car driver or drivers. Even if it is a light accident, you must not and leave the spot without exchanging any information otherwise it would be called a hit and run. The insurance check should come by mail, but this can take weeks or may be a month. You will most likely have to bear all the initial costs from your own pocket.

You can ask several things to the claims agent to clearly understand the claims procedure. You may ask things like your coverage details, as different types of plans offer dissimilar coverage. You may question the agents as to when the remaining paper work is due, though its generally done in less than a week. In case of grave accidents, you may get your lawyer have a look at your legal formalities and paper work.

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