Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Low Cost Auto Insurance

By Matt Hellstrom

If you find yourself needing to trim costs lately, one thing you may want to consider is the cost of owning your car. When was the last time you reviewed your policy? Have premiums gone up steadily even though you have a great driving record with no accidents, not even a traffic ticket? It may be time to start looking for low cost auto insurance.

One of the first things you can do to qualify for low cost auto insurance is to make sure that you have an excellent driving record. Most people can request a discount if they've been accident free and have not incurred any traffic violations for a period of at least three years. Not all insurance companies will offer it automatically, so check to make sure you're eligible and claim your discount with your insurer.

Most people buy a car without really thinking about the cost of insurance. Sure, they'll take into consideration government crash test ratings, but that seems to be the extent of it when it comes to getting low cost auto insurance. But what about things like the car's repair ratings? Premiums for collision and comprehensive coverage even for brand new cars are a function of historical claims for theft and accidents as well as the costs of repair.

Buying a safer car is not the only factor that determines whether you be able to get low cost auto insurance. The cost of the car as well as your own financial credit score can influence auto insurance rates. Having good credit tells the insurer that you are a responsible person and a lower risk. Driving flashy, expensive sports cars give the opposite impression even if that's not really a fair assessment of you. But be aware that insurers view this as a risk factor .

One of the easier ways to get low cost auto insurance is to raise your deductible. This is the amount that you would have to pay before insurance payment a claim kicks in. Most people think that a $100 deductible is adequate, but in truth you should consider taking a $1000, or at least $500, deductible. This results in a substantial savings even over a short period of 2 to 3 years. You're better off accumulating the savings to allocate towards your deductible.

You may be able to get a low cost auto insurance policy if you are an infrequent driver or you don't need your car to get to work. A number of insurance companies will give a discount for low mile usage as long as you can show that you are within the limits. You can also reduce your premiums and see a large savings if you eliminate collision and comprehensive coverage once your car reaches a certain point where the value no longer exceeds the cost of repairs.

If you're anxious to see if you can obtain a low cost auto insurance policy, you should visit one of the rate comparison sites. You can get an instant quote for just about any vehicle you have in mind. The great thing is that you can change to different scenarios and know immediately what the impact on the bottom line will be. This is a great tool to use in conjunction with shopping for a new car.

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