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Saturday, May 2, 2009

Buying Utah Auto Insurance Coverage

By Steve Turner

Utah Auto Insurance coverage must be purchased before drivers take to the road. This is a requirement of law. It does not matter if you are planning on only running around the corner or driving hundreds of miles.

Law requires that you have insurance coverage before you drive a purchased car off of the dealership's lot. You may be wondering how you could have insurance coverage before you have even purchased a vehicle.

There are a couple of ways to handle this. You can have someone that has comprehensive insurance coverage to drive you new car to your house and leave it parked until you have purchased your policy. Some car dealerships will allow you to put a deposit on the vehicle and hold it for you while you go home and get the insurance coverage set up. Many dealerships will even help you obtain insurance coverage right as you are purchasing the vehicle.

State law requires that all drivers have proper insurance coverage before getting behind the wheel. If you are found to be driving without insurance you could be required to pay a fine or have points added to your license. Being caught more than once could result in loss of your license or even jail time.

With the technology available to police today it is a lot easier for them to catch drivers without insurance. Automatic number plate recognition technology allows them to scan license plate numbers and access a database to see if there is any policy assigned to that vehicle. Questionable vehicles flagged by the system will most likely be pulled over.

Drivers that are getting their learner's permits need to have insurance coverage as well. If this is a teenager then they could just be added to their parent's insurance policy.

The state of Utah requires a specific amount and type of auto insurance coverage. Talk with your agent as you purchase your policy to ensure that you have these requirements met, as well as seeing what other types of coverage are available to you.

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