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Monday, May 4, 2009

Auto Insurance Laws - What You Should Know

By Mark Alison

Laws can be confusing sometimes. How much coverage is you required to have? What is the minimum amount? Do you have to have liability? What if you drive to other states? The questions are endless and it can be confusing at times.

To answer these questions, call your insurance agent. They will have all the best information about state and regional laws that involve you and your vehicle. It's their job to know all this and help you with it. Before you call, make sure you have all your questions ready so you don't forget.

Basic rule is that each state has a minimum requirement for the auto insurance coverage you need to have for certain situations. The three types of coverage is injury to another, injury to all people, and damage to property.

One of the most unsought of thing is traveling to another state. You must have auto insurance coverage to conform to that state's laws. Call your insurance before you cross state lines to change coverage to meet the local requirements.

You can choose instruments that will be exempt from insurance coverage. This can be a moped or motorcycle in some states. This will save you gas money and insurance money. Unfortunately, they are unsafe and the odds of you getting hurt are greater than a car.

You must keep proof of insurance on you at all times. If you were pulled over, you are required to provide it. If you don't, then you must appear in court and show proof or you will be fined heavily. Appearing in court is not a fun thing to do, be sure you have your proof at all times.

Getting cheap auto insurance is a whole lot easier when you have a clean record. Knowing some basics about the laws can help keep your record clean.

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