Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Problems With Finding Cheap Modified Car Insurance

By Ric Norton

These days it seems to becoming more popular for car owners to dig deep into their pockets ad spend a great deal of cash modifying their vehicles in an attempt to build something that is unique both visually and in terms of its performance.

While modified cars come in for a bit of a bad rap from many people because of their association with boy racers, improving your car from its original specification can be a rewarding experience, even for those of us who aren't as young as we used to be.

Unfortunately the pleasure of creating a unique vehicle is often destroyed when we search for a motor insurance quote when our blood have already been spilt building the car of our dreams. Its essential we tell the insurance company of all details involving our car modification but this usually results in a large hike in our premiums.

Insurers are experts in managing risk, but the problem with modified card insurance is that many of the regular insurance experts have little experience when it comes to custom cars.

For this reason it makes more sense to seek out a car insurer who specializes in modified car insurance if you want to find the most economical quote available.

Adding accessories such as alloy wheels, racing seats and large, expensive stereo systems puts your car at a higher risk of theft, so to appease your insurer you should be keeping your car garaged overnight and adding a high quality security system.

Making performance improvements to your vehicle by fitting improved exhaust systems and boring out your engine will usually result in a big hit to your pocket unless you can find an insurer with a respect for modified cars and their owners.

The best advice to people wanting to make such modifications is to wait until you have built a decent no claims bonus and have reached an age where insurance premiums have reduced significantly.

The most important piece of advice I will give anyone looking to modify their vehicle is to get the quote from your insurance company before you start the work so you know where you stand with regards to the possible insurance costs involves.

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