Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Very Cheap Automobile Insurance -- Four Smart Recommendations

1. Those who have more than one car will make considerable savings if they insure them all with the same insurer. It It's advisable to insure all your cars with the same insurer unless you have a better rate for one of your cars with another insurance carrier. You can ensure you are making the right choice by doing extensive comparison shopping. But however you look at it, a multi-vehicle discount is one way to get more affordable rates.

2. You will also be eligible for a reasonable discount if you maintain multiple policies with the same insurance carrier. All you are expected to do to become eligible for this is to buy your vehicle insurance policy from the same company which is providing, say, your home owners insurance.

However, you must be careful because that an insurer offered you cheap rates for one policy does NOT mean they will for another. Getting quotes and comparing them with savings you'd make are very beneficial steps. You'll be sure of the best option for you after you take this step.

3. Remaining claims-free will make you eligible a good driver discount. But don't be alarmed if your insurance agent says that your car insurance carrier does not give this discount.

Your agent should be made to realize your dissatisfaction with their refusal to offer you such a discount and don't fail to point out that you might change over to a different insurer. With this type of driving record getting a far lower rate is really very easy since policy holders who stay claims free are every insurance company's dream.

And, believe it or not, your insurer is likely to have a rethink if they notice you're really serious about switching.

4. You can see savings of hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy by obtaining insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. The best strategy is to visit not less than five sites and making sure that you give the same (correct) details.

I advise that you visit not less than five quotes sites because that will make it less likely that you'll miss out better quotes not carried by the other sites. This offers you a broader basis for doing more thorough comparisons thus increasing your chances of getting more for less.

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