Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Lower Car Insurance Rate -- Easy But Guaranteed Ways

1. For no reason must you allow your auto insurance policy to lapse.. Those who let that befall them pay higher rates for a long time. It's easy for this to happen to some people while they are changing to another insurance provider.

To avoid this, ensure the new policy is fully in place before you cancel the previous one. Many people are paying more than they should simply because of this mistake. Therefore, make sure you don't become one of them.

2. Paying your premium annually will get you more affordable rates than choosing monthly payments. Notwithstanding the fact that this alternative is often more convenient, it is more expensive for some reasons..

Every check that is processed attracts a charge. For twelve payments (that is, your monthly premiums) you will have a sum of 12 transactions. This implies that you'll pay transaction charges twelve times..

There are also administrative costs to your insurance provider that are due to monthly payments. For instance, it costs some money to send payment notices each and every month.

The additional administrative cost to your insurance provider is eventually borne by you (that's in addition to their own profit margin for providing such a "stressless" alternative).

3. You'll attract cheaper car insurance premiums if you pay by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This process authorizes your bank to credit your insurer with your premium payments automatically until you stipulate to the contrary. This reduces an insurer's overhead by eliminating the need for payment notices or checks. Your rate is therefore brought down to reflect the cheaper cost of giving you insurance.

4. You can get better quotes on auto insurance now by visiting a minimum of five insurance quotes sites. Each quotes site will take you around 5 minutes or less to obtain quotes. (Some folks present details that is not quite true about themselves. That is NOT a smart move as the quotes you'll get this way won't be of any use to you).

You'll have to choose the best auto insurance quote for you from the list of quotes received. It's as simple as that. Nevertheless you could realize savings hundreds of dollars.

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