Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Affordable Auto Insurance Rates -- Five Important Points

We all will appreciate a very low automobile insurance rate that comes with sufficient coverage. But how can this happen? You'll discover several helpful recommendations in this write-up...

1. Ask your agent personally about all the discounts possible with with your preferred insurance provider. Your agent may, by commission or omission overlook some discounts that you qualify for. You'll discover simply by telling your agent that you want to be sure you've been informed about every discount there is. You might have a very pleasant surprise!

2. Defensive driving will help reduce your automobile insurance rates therefore complete a course on it. In addition to the fact that such programs will improve your driving skills, they will show your insurer that you're doing your best to reduce your risk level.

3. Using your parents' vehicle insurance policy is a good option for you an under 25. Your parents certainly belong to a lower risk age bracket.

To take advantage of this though, you'll have to live with your parents and also have the vehicle registered in their name. If you do not like the idea of handing the car's ownership to them and other stuff that may be attached to that, then you will have to forego this alternative.

4. Try your best to enter the facts truthfully. Insurance fraud is an ill wind that blows no one any good.

If you couldn't care less about the cost to everyone in general, don't forget that your insurer is free to cancel your policy on the grounds of false representation. You'll then lose in a very big way. Insurers increase your rates by a good margin once you've let your policy lapse or had it cancelled for reasons like this.

It's been estimated that insurance fraud adds up to $1,500 to the average family's insurance premium annually. Help make the world a better place by doing your bit to ensure we don't have to pay a lot more.

5. You will save a lot of money in auto insurance if you obtain and compare auto insurance quotes from quotes sites. You will realize savings if you go to just one of such sites. However, you will get more by visiting at least five.

The simple logic in this is that you will receive many more auto insurance quotes from a wider range of insurers. This increases your chances of getting better quotes.

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