Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cheaper Vehicle Insurance: Proven Recommendations

1. A car with a higher safety rating will get you lower automobile insurance rates than one with a poorer rating all other things being equal. Opt for cars that have systems that improve safety. Such mechanisms get you a reasonable discount. Examples of these safety devices are air bags, automatic seatbelt, ABS brakes and daytime running lights. Your agent can help you with a list of features that will get you a discount with your insurance company.

2. You will get a price cut if you belong to a car pool. The straight reason for this is that it reduces your mileage. Anything that cuts down your mileage automatically lowers your auto insurance rate.

3. You can realize savings of hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy by requesting for insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. The best way is to visit a minimum of five quotes sites and making sure that you provide the same (correct) details.

I recommend that you visit not less than five quotes sites as it will make it less likely that you'll miss out offers not given by the other sites. This provides you a broader basis for doing more thorough comparisons thus increasing your chances of better quotes.

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