Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Automobile Insurance: 3 Proven Ways To Cheaper Rates

1. Do your utmost to always drive responsibly. You'll be making a smart resolution to always avoid being behind the wheels if you take alcohol.

If you're convicted for driving under the influence (DUI) you'll NOT see cheap rates for some years. While alcohol-related traffic offences have very immediate and grave consequences, speeding tickets will as well affect your rates negatively if they accumulate. For your safety then and lower rates, never violate any traffic law notwithstanding how minor you think it is.

2. An outstanding credit rating will reflect in your favour with respect to your auto insurance rate. Having a bad credit history is simply making it hard for yourself apart from the fact that your premium will be much more. There are several reasons for this but this one ranks high among them: If you have a poor credit rating then it could only mean you have defaulted in payments somewhere. The truth is that they believe that the likelihood of you defaulting in your premiums is very high. Once you are noted as a higher risk you'll get higher auto insurance premiums.

3. As you do these other things to reduce your auto rates, here's what to do to receive lower rates today: Visit good insurance quotes sites and obtain quotes.

Visit a minimum of five of such sites for the best results. It's free, quick and easy. However, ensure you give your correct details as you fill the questionnaires on each site. Thereafter, simply pick the insurer that represents the best price/value from the quotes you receive.

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