Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Affordable Car Insurance Rate -- Simple But Guaranteed Recommendations

1. Ensure your auto insurance policy is not allowed to lapse no matter what.. You'll pay more expensive rates for a considerable length of time if this happens to you albeit by mistake. Don't make this mistake if you're changing insurers since that's one situation where this happens to many people.

A simple way to ensure you do NOT make this costly mistake is to maintain your old policy until you've confirmed that the new policy is in full force. It appear to be simple but, take it or leave it, a lot of individuals are paying a lot more just because they made this mistake.

2. Paying your premium yearly will get you lower rates than opting for monthly payments. Yes, paying monthly might be convenient but they are also costly.

If you do transactions with banks you'll agree with me that each check you process is considered transaction which attracts a certain charge. In a year, your monthly checks would be processed separately because they are all different transactions. This means that transaction fees would be 12 times more for those who pay monthly.

There are also administrative costs to your insurance provider that result just from taking monthly payments. A clear example of such is the expense associated with sending out payment notices..

These costs plus a profit margin for this this "value-added service" is factored into your rates making it higher than another of the same profile that pays yearly every year.

3. Electronic Funds Transfer, known as EFT is a painless way to lower your car insurance premium. By doing this you authorize your insurance carrier to automatically withdraw your payments from your account at specified intervals. This saves the insurance company in many ways such as eliminating the cost of sending payment notices and the expense of processing checks. Your premium is therefore lowered in line with the cheaper cost of providing insurance to you.

4. You will save a lot of dollars by visiting at least 5 quotes sites. That way, you'll get the lowest auto insurance quotes available since five sites will return up to 25 quotes altogether.

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