Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Auto Insurance -- Non-Owner, Why Bother?

Why should anybody who does not own a vehicle even bother about getting a auto insurance policy? This is such a brilliant question! Having a car insurance policy without having a car would be a wise decision in most situations to be discussed shortly.

Since you live in a city that has a mass transit system, you will not need a personal car for your daily movements. You can visit a car rental service at any time you want to go for a picnic or vacation.

Along with renting a car, you will aslo have to buy a car insurance cover for the rent period. These rental service sell such car insurance policies. A non-owner auto insurance policy is, however, cheaper for you on the long run if you hire vehicles regularly. You won't have to be buying short term insurance covers from rental companies.

Another reason will become apparent if you need to borrow a car. People will feel more comfortable lending you their vehicle if they know you are so thoughtful as to even buy a auto insurance policy. Does not the gesture of getting a non-owner car insurance policy show you such a person is very responsible? People like dealing with people who show that they're responsible.

Now, you need to know something about a non-owner auto insurance policy. If an accident happens, your non-owner's policy cannot take precedence over the car owner's policy. This policy functions if the auto owner's policy can't cover the damages caused. As an example...

Letus say you had an accident with a borrowed car that resulted in damages that totalled twenty seven thousand dollars. In spite of your non-owner's policy, the vehicle owner's policy will be used if his/her liability limit is, say, thirty thousand dollars. However, if in the same case, the owners liability limit is $15,000, your insurance cover the balance.

It's very important, if you have anything to do with car insurance, that you know how to make a lot of savings because of the disparity in premiums by insurance companies. This 100% legal way of making savings can save you several hundreds of dollars...

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