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Monday, July 20, 2009

Ways To Avoid Car Accidents

By Jovita Hartlein

Many people do not realize just how dangerous it can be on the road and how many car accidents are occurring every minute of the day.

Some of these car accidents can even be avoided, if people just looked at these tips before they got out there on the road. There would be a lot less hurt people if everyone just slowed it down and took it easy on the road.

We love to have our cell phones handy at all times, just in case someone important needs to get a hold of us. Unfortunately for that someone important, when you are on the road, or sitting in traffic, you really need to put the phone down and pay close attention to what you are doing. All it takes is a split second and the next thing you know, you could be rear ending someone.

Those of you who have teenagers that are learning how to drive need to take the time to properly show them the rules of the road. Help them safely get on the road and then safely back again.

Many people like to play around with the radio, and are not very aware of what is going on around them. This is a big reason why people get in accidents, so remember to avoid car accidents by being a defensive driver.

You cannot control what other drivers are going to do, and there is only so much that can be done to avoid car accidents. Taking these tips along with you on the road will help immensely, and will keep you safe as well.

Sit down with your teens and take the time to set the example and show them what needs to be done. If you can do all of this when you are driving around on the road, then you will definitely be in great shape. Get out there and start driving!

The roads would be a whole lot safer if people just kept their eyes on the road, instead of their cell phone or radio.

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