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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Antique Car Insurance: Protect The Investment

By Margaret Nufflemeyer

Many antique car owners invest countless hours and dollars into restoring and maintaining their cherished car. For most, this is an investment that needs security. Antique car insurance provides these owners with the peace of mind they need. If you too are interested in antique car insurance then take the time to understand the details of potential policies.

Research Your Options

Before you sign up for new car insurance, take the necessary time to assess the reputation of the various agencies. Not all insurance agencies are created equal and you can learn a lot about a company by the experiences of other customers. Try checking out websites that have information on various agencies or ask around. There might be antique care groups in your area that have a wealth of knowledge available.

Each company will have different restrictions on their antique car insurance policies. Some policies aren't for everyone. It is good to know the history of your car and be aware that the types of replacement parts might affect your eligibility.

Depending on the company you choose, you may be able to qualify for antique car insurance even if you have restored your car. It is common to replace a car's windows or carpeting and many companies understand this. So even if your car isn't completely original you will likely be able to obtain coverage.

Another point to consider when choosing an antique car insurance provider is that many of these companies require your car to be stored inside a garage. You may not be able to keep it outside. Additionally, some companies will give you a quota of miles you can drive on the car. For many people these restrictions can be too limiting. If you plan on using your antique car as your main driving car then you may find it difficult to find an antique car insurance provider.

Other restrictions worth considering are that you may need to have your car appraised and photographed for the insurance company. Some companies will also demand that the driver be at least twenty five years of age and have clean driving record.

It might seem like antique car insurance is difficult to get and packed with restrictions but for many antique car owners it is well worth the hassle. Antique cars are becoming more scarce and more valuable. Without the protection of antique car insurance you could altogether lose your investment. If you decide to insure your car then take the time to understand the various policies and all of their restrictions and requirements.

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