Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Insuring A Private Passenger Vehicle Properly

By Graham McKenzie

Many people that are getting insurance for the first time don't understand all of the technical aspects of the process. Insuring a vehicle is an important part of owning any vehicle whether it's new or used. If you're looking to insure a passenger vehicle then you will want to understand what type of coverage you should get based on your vehicle.

There are two different types of insurance for a passenger vehicle. The type of insurance that you choose to get should be based on the type of car you have, the year, and most importantly its overall value. If you car has a high overall value or is new then you will be looking to get full coverage. Full coverage will cover your car if it gets damaged in an accident.

If you?re purchasing a new car you should know that most states require you to have full coverage while the care is being paid off. The reason for this is to protect the lenders against a potential loss. If your car gets damaged in an accident and is beyond repairable you would still be liable to pay the loan but may choose not to since you no longer have a car. By requiring full coverage the insurance company would pay off the car for you. If your car is not new and you are debating on getting full coverage or not then you will want to take into account how much you would be paying for insurance every year versus the worth of the car. If you would have paid for the value of the car through insurance payments within 3 years then you will want to get liability only.

Liability is the alternative to full coverage that you can choose to have. However liability only covers you if you hit someone and does not cover your car. Many states require you to have some type of insurance. Liability is the cost effective answer to this law if your car is older. Remember that you should only use liability if your car is older or does not have much value.

The other type of insurance that you may decide to get is liability. Liability will cover damages to property and injuries if you were at fault in the accident. However liability will not cover damages to your vehicle. Liability insurance is great for cars that are older and have little value as your premium will be a lot lower.

Most of the time if you decide to get full coverage you will receive comprehensive coverage as well. There are a few different levels of comprehensive coverage that you can choose from. These levels will affect your deductable and how much you will be required to pay on your deductable. You will want to know the differences between the two types of coverage as this will allow you to get the best possible rate on your car insurance.

You can get a possible discount in you can pay 6 months of your premium in full. Yes its quite heavy financially but if you have the amount, you can save a lot if you think of it.

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