Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Understanding Insurer Investments and How They Affect Your Premium

By Graham McKenzie

Before buying car insurance it?s important that you understand how the companies work. Customers are investments to insurance companies. Either a customer is a good investment or a bad investment. The reason this affects you is because it will influence your premium that the insurance company quotes you.

When an insurance company is trying to file you in the good investment category or the bad investment category they take several factors into account. One factor is your age. Older drivers have a lot lower insurance premium just because of their age. This is because studies show that younger drivers get into more accidents due to their inexperience. Young males also have higher premiums than young females because studies show that females get into fewer accidents than males. After a few years these young drivers get their premiums lowered, usually at the ages of 21 and 25.

Another huge factor that determines if you?re a huge risk is your driving history. You can expect your insurance premiums to increase if you?ve been in an accident recently. They will usually stay this way for a few years. To avoid an increase in premiums you can choose not to report a minor accident to your insurance company.

When you apply for car insurance the agent will ask what type of car you drive. Even this determines the type of rates you can expect. Sports cars will have much higher insurance costs than regular cars because they get into accidents more frequently than other cars and they cost more to repair. Always remember that any add-ons you put on your vehicle won?t be compensated for if they are ruined in an accident. If you are looking for lower rates drive a standard car or truck.

Surprisingly, car insurance agents also calculate your rates by the area you live. Your zip code is given a certain risk assessment, and that will play a factor in how your rates change. If you live in the inner city you rates will be more expensive than if you live in the country. This is because there is more theft and vandalism. Sometimes collage students will register their car insurance with the address of their parent?s home to escape these higher rates.

Many insurance companies will lower your rates for being a good driver, being with them for an extended period of time, or if you qualify for some of their discounts such as a good student discount. The lower risk you are the lower your premiums will be because they will make more money off of your good driving habits in the long run as you will be in fewer accidents. You can also lower your premium by having multiple types of insurance through the same company. This is because the insurance company gains business without having to increase their risk too much. When looking for the best insurance rates possible you should take into consideration all of these factors that insurance companies will base your rates off of.

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