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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Laws About Auto Insurance

By Mark Alison

Do you know the proper auto insurance laws of your state? Do you know how much coverage you need? Or, what is the minimum coverage required? Do you have liability insurance? What will happen if you drive to another state and get pulled over?

The best source for your insurance laws is your insurance company. They will be able to answer the questions you want to ask them and be sure that you are covered in every instance. After all, it's their job to know. Have your questions ready when you call them to save time and make sure that you don't forget anything.

Basic rule is that each state has a minimum requirement for the auto insurance coverage you need to have for certain situations. The three types of coverage is injury to another, injury to all people, and damage to property.

One of the most unconsidered issues is traveling to another state. You must have auto insurance coverage to conform to that state's laws. Call your insurance before you cross state lines to change coverage to meet the local requirements.

In some states, there are vehicles that will be exempt from insurance coverage. This can be a moped or motorcycle in some states. This will save you gas money and insurance money.

All states require you to carry auto insurance proof on you at all times. When pulled over if you don't provide proof, you will get a ticket and have to contest it in court. Simply bring the proof to the judge and you should get acquitted. If not, it's a hefty fine.

You are the one responsible for staying within the driving laws of your state. In all states, it is considered a privilege, not a right, to drive and have a drivers license.

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