Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Friday, July 3, 2009

Car Insurance for 17 Year Old's

By John Perkins

When you are buying your 17 year old car insurance there are some things that you need to take into consideration. You need to decide how much coverage your teenager will need. You will also need to decide who will be paying for your teenager's car insurance. Another thing that you should take into consideration is your budget for car insurance.

It is easy to obtain insurance for teenagers now days. Getting quotes from several different insurance companies will be helpful. It is important to find the best rate for the policy that you wish to purchase. You could start out the old fashioned way, by calling several different insurance companies and asking for quotes. When you do this you will need to tell the person you are speaking with that you need 17 year old car insurance.

You can save time by using the internet to obtain insurance quotes. There are several website on the internet that will give you quotes for several different car insurance companies at one time. This is very helpful when shopping for car insurance. Not only does it save time, but it also makes insurance shopping less stressful.

Another option is to call an insurance agent. An insurance agent will be able to help you obtain insurance for your 17 year old. They will take down your information and call you back later that day with an insurance quote.

When you are deciding how much insurance your 17 year old will need you should take into account how mature your child is. If your teenager is accident prone then it might be smart for you to obtain full coverage insurance. If your child is fairly responsible then you may want to purchase the state minimum insurance. You should keep in mind that state minimum insurance will only cover any damage done by the driver to another vehicle. State minimum car insurance will not cover any damage done to the vehicle if the driver is at fault.

If there is a lien on the vehicle that you will be insuring then you will most likely be required to carry full coverage on the vehicle. Full coverage insurance is much more expensive to carry than the state minimum. Most banks will not let you drop your insurance down to the state minimum until after the vehicle has been paid off.

Make sure you speak with your teen about who will be responsible for the insurance bill. If you are expecting your 17 year old to pay for their own insurance, then you need to tell then just how expensive 17 year old car insurance can be. It is important to make sure that they will have the money to pay it every month. It is also important to explain to your teen the consequences if they don't pay it. In many states you can lose your license for driving uninsured.

Talk to your friends and family about purchasing insurance for your teen. Ask them what insurance company they went with and how they found the best rate. The will probably be able to tell you what worked best for them when they were buying their 17 year old car insurance.

Getting your 17 year old car insurance should be fairly easy. If you shop around you will be sure to get the best rate on the insurance that you need.

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