Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How To Reduce Your Car Insurance Excess

By Susan Reynolds

In this economy everyone is wondering how they can save money and lower their bills. The cost of owning a car is comparable to owning a home with the high payments, large fuel costs, and the extremely high insurance premiums that we pay. You can refinance your car loan to obtain a lower interest rate to save on the payments, purchasing a vehicle with better gas mileage will save on fuel costs, and there are several options that will save you money on your insurance premiums.

The best way to start on saving on your vehicle insurance is to shop around with other companies. Brokers are available to offer their services but you may be subject to fees. Calling for quotes can be tiresome but it is worth the hundreds of dollars saved on your policy.

The deductible you decide on could change your policy dramatically. The deductible is the amount you pay out of pocket in the event of an accident or theft. By having a large deductible you save on the premium and the lower the deductible is the more your premium will go up.

What you drive could cost you. There are vehicles that are a higher risk for accidents as well as theft. If you drive a car that is in the high risk category you will be paying more for your premium. You can also expect that the more valuable your car is the higher it will be to insure it. Sports cars are often more to insure than a family sedan.

It goes without saying that your driving record will have an effect on your overall policy price. Any major violations will greatly increase your premiums but even the minor ones will impact it poorly as well. Simple moving violations such as speeding or running a red light can increase your policy by several hundred dollars a year.

Safety and security features installed on your car will dramatically reduce your rates. Dual airbags, safety locks and anti theft features are looked at as very beneficial to your insurance company and can save you hundreds on your policy. If your vehicle is not equipped with these features find out how much it would be to install them and speak to your insurance company about the discounts you would receive.

When your policy comes up for renewal do not accept the policy without looking for any changes that could be made or by shopping around. You might find that other companies will offer you a much better rate to switch your insurance to their company.

Combining multiple policies with one company can usually save you money, at times this savings could be hundreds of dollars. If you have mortgage insurance or boat insurance you can use the same company to insure all of your needs and receive hefty discounts.

Lowering your insurance premium is possible and with the many ways to productively save money you can find a way that will affect your current policy and possibly create even lower premiums for future policies. Do not be afraid to shop around and always ask about the details of the policy to determine if you need the coverage they offer.

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