Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Compare New York Car Insurance Quotes Today!

By Ricardo Liguriano

Has it been a while since you compared car insurance prices? Are you wondering if you could save on your premiums by making changes to your car insurance policy? The best way to get those questions answered is to check online resources and get a personalized quote.

As with so many other important purchases we make in life, the cheapest option may not always be the best. The goal in shopping for a car insurance policy is to make sure you have the protection you need, at a competitive price.

What level of protection do you really need? While New York State sets legal minimums for liability, personal injury protection, and property damage, it's often recommended to purchase additional coverage, especially if you have assets to protect.

Here's an example to illustrate: Mr. Jones is responsible for an accident that results in a car being totalled; this car is valued at $50,000. He is carrying an insurance policy that provides Property Damage Liability coverage at the legal minimum of $10,000. This leaves the owner of the car $40,000 short -- the owner may sue Mr. Jones for the difference. Keep this in mind as you compare New York car insurance quotes, since the costs of both car repair and medical treatment can be astronomical. Raising your coverage levels for Bodily Injury Liability, Property Damage Liability, and Personal Injury Protection may mean a slightly higher premium today, but better protection in the long run.

A popular way to lower your premiums is to choose a high deductible on Collision or Comprehensive coverage. If you drive an older car with a low book value, you may even choose to forgo Collision or Comprehensive completely, since this coverage is optional in New York State.

You'll find that New York car insurance quotes are considerably lower for a liability-only policy, but if you choose this option you'll have to be ready to cover your own expenses if your car is stolen, vandalized, or damaged in an accident where you are at fault.

Car insurance today is a buyer's market; as you collect New York car insurance quotes you may find that you are eligible for a variety of discounts and promotional offers. Take the time to shop around -- you'll be surprised at how easy it is to save money on car insurance.

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