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Friday, August 7, 2009

Your Insurance Premiums Can Depend On Your History

By Graham McKenzie

Getting a quote for car or truck Insurance is easy but there is a little known hidden fact about the premiums when you get the quote for your Insurance agent. Premiums are pre determined on the basis of your previous Insurance history and if it is your first policy or if it is your brand new policy ,the percentage offered by the Insurance companies is usually greater than a having a strong history of previous Insurance coverage.

Many will argue that the lack of insurance history should not increase one's premiums. Regardless, among the many considerations in determining premiums are an applicant's demonstrated ability to maintain their payment schedule, their proclivity for making claims on their past policies, and their demonstrated clean driving record. A failing in any of these areas will have the effect of markedly increasing your premiums to a much higher rate than you would prefer.

Applicants are better served by soliciting quotes from new insurance companies while still covered by their previous ones, rather than waiting until their old policy expires. Given that insurance companies examine an applicant's credit history, a record of premiums paid consistently and on time is very important in determining whether that company will decide to offer you coverage.

New drivers, drivers with multiple claims for accidents, those with a history of moving violations, and persons who currently do not have insurance coverage sometimes find it easier to obtain coverage through brokers that specialize in "high-risk" drivers. Companies these brokers tend to work with, however, do not tend to offer the most advantageous terms - oftentimes asking for more sizable down payments, offering only high deductibles, and providing minimal coverage.

So once you have started a policy, be sure to complete it. If you want to establish yourself as a desirable customer, purchase a policy for six months. Drive carefully, _don't_ get any tickets, and make your payments regularly and promptly. When it's time to renew, get out the phone book and start checking other brokers. Now that you have a good insurance history, other insurers will be eager for your business. Your original insurer will be reluctant to lose you, and will most likely match any quote you get from another company. Your next six months could end up costing you hundreds of dollars less than your first.

It never hurts to shop around for a better rate at policy renewal time. Your current insurance company would be happy to keep you on at last year's higher rate. It's up to you to have them review your policy. If you change jobs or change your address, you may have a shorter and/or safer drive to work. Changes like these can make you eligible for lower premiums, so review your policy when they happen. Now that you have a good history, other insurers will want your business, and they'll offer you lower rates to get it. Your current insurer, remember, will want to keep you, so they'll also make you a better offer.

Be street smart. Make sure you go around and hunt to get the best quotes from the Insurance companies which are ready to offer you their services before selecting your Insurance policies. Think twice before getting committed to a policy. A little amount of good behavior such as not allowing the policy to lapse, clean driving record or prompt payment of premiums on time can reward you with higher rates and get a better deal the next time you start hunting for the best cover.

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