Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Car Insurance -- Non-Owner, Why Bother?

Why should anyone who doesn't own a car even bother about owning a car insurance policy? Hold on tight because you are in for a great surprise! An auto insurance policy is a smart even if you do not own a car if you fall into any of the situations I will talk about later in this article.

Since you live in an advanced cities with more competent mass transit systems, you may not really need to own a car for your daily movement. You can visit a car rental service at any time you want to go for a picnic or vacation.

These rental companies sell insurance if you want to cover your rent period. However, depending on how regular you have to hire a vehicle, you might be better off with a non-owner car insurance policy.

If your friends and family members know that you bought a car insurance policy they'll be more likely to release their vehicle to you than otherwise. If you're a car owner, who would you take more responsible: The person who has a non-owner auto insurance policy and the person who does not? People like dealing with people who show that they are responsible.

Now, you need to know something about a non-owner car insurance policy. Your non-owner's policy cannot override the auto owners policy. It functions only if the car owner's policy's liability limit cannot take care of the damages caused. I think an example will help make this clearer...

Assuming you borrowed a vehicle and had an accident where you caused a damage of twenty seven thousand dollars. If the auto owner's liability limit is thirty thousand dollars, your insurance won't be touched. However, if in the same case, the owners liability limit is $15,000, your insurance will take care of the balance.

It's very important, if you have anything to do with auto insurance, that you know how to get massive savings because of the disparity in premiums by insurance companies. This 100% legal way to get savings can save you many hundreds of dollars...

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