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Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Ways That 4x4 Insurance Varies From Standard Car Insurance

By Susan Reynolds

If you own a 4x4 you may have noticed that the insurance rates are higher than a car. This is because a 4x4 vehicle is quite different than a car and therefore incurs higher premiums. 4x4?s have different features as well as different capabilities which have an effect on the insurance rate. You should know exactly what you?re looking for and exactly how a 4x4 will affect insurance rates before you choose to buy a 4x4 or 4x4 insurance.

The type of policy you have will affect what type of coverage you?re getting. All types of policies will cover other drivers and their vehicles in an accident. You can also get policies that cover your vehicle and your passengers along with theft and weather damage. 4x4 insurance has similar properties as regular car insurance however there are some slight differences. The main problem is that you?re going to do more damage to another vehicle if you hit them than you would in a car. Since the estimated repair costs will be higher they increase the insurance premium you have to pay.

4x4?s will also be subject to higher rates because of their popularity. If you live near the city rates will be higher than normal for vandalism, theft, and other damages. Drivers of 4x4?s in rural areas often do not need this type of coverage, but it will be less expensive if they do get it.

Costs to fix 4x4 trucks and SUVs are much higher than the cost to fix regular vehicles. This is because parts are harder to find and repair. Insurance companies will look at this as an extra cost to insure your vehicle and will charge you more. If you have extra features added to your 4x4 that didn?t come with the stock you will have to get extra insurance to have these repaired in case of an accident. Insurance companies won?t voluntarily pay for these extra add-ons unless your policy specifically covers them.

Off road driving is the biggest difference between 4x4 and regular car insurance. This option lets you take your vehicle off of the road and through other terrains. If you damage your vehicle, which is fairly likely, the damages will only be covered if you have a specific policy with off-road insurance. A standard policy will become void for the time you drive off road, leaving you to pay the damages yourself. Prices will increase if you regularly participate in races or other all-terrain sports with your 4x4. Some people choose to get insurance for these events just for one day to reduce costs.

The insurance basics are virtually the same besides these few factors. You will want to check with several insurance companies to try to find the best rate for your 4x4. You should also review the policies of the various insurance companies very closely as they may have different policies regarding your 4x4 and its coverage.

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