Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cheaper Automobile Insurance: Four Proven Ways

1. Folks who have more than one vehicle will make reasonable savings if they insure them all with the same auto insurance provider. You are only advised to do otherwise if the total of your rates with different insurance companies is lower than what you'll get with a multi-vehicle discount if you buy from one insurance company. You can ensure you are choosing the best in your case by doing thorough comparison shopping. But if you don't have plans to shop around, you can be sure that you'll still save reasonably with a multi-vehicle discount.

2. You will also get a considerable discount if you maintain more than one policy with the same insurance company. This clearly means you should endeavor to buy your auto policy from the same carrier that underwrites your homeowners, health or LTC insurance policies.

Howbeit, be informed that you might be better served if you purchase your various policies from different providers who have the lowest rates for each policy. Getting quotes and comparing offers out there with what you'll save are highly beneficial steps. You'll be certain of the better choice in your case when you take this step.

3. Staying without making claims will qualify you for a special discount. But don't be taken aback if your agent tells you your car insurance company does not give this discount.

If your insurer is one of the few who don't give this discount tell them without mincing words that you will go to another provider. In fact, you should because you'll definitely find a better deal somewhere else if you've maintained a clean slate for this long.

And, believe it or not, your insurer is likely to give a concession if they notice you're really serious about switching.

4. You can reduce your auto insurance premium by asking for and comparing quotes from at least five good quotes sites.

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