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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Motorcycle Insurance: Four Kinds You Do Not Want To Be Without

By Nathan Henderson

Just like cars and trucks, there are various types of motorcycle insurance that a rider can buy and each type of insurance covers different things. For the purposes of simplicity in this article we will only focus on the basic types, which are under insured and uninsured coverage, bodily injury, and collision coverage.

1. Insurance Coverage To Cover Under Insured Riders:

Under insured motorcycle insurance coverage will pay for your expenses if the other rider party is at fault and the other party does not have sufficient insurance to cover the costs of the claim.

It is usually recommended that you carry at least 100/300. This means that in the event of a crash with an under insured rider, that your insurance company will cover up to $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident.

2. Insurance Coverage To Cover The Uninsured Riders:

Just like it sounds, this type of insurance is used when the person that hits you I not covered by insurance at all. Life can quickly turn into a nightmare when you are hit by an uninsured individual and they are not solvent to collect anything from . This leaves all the bills for bike replacement, medical services and even therapeutic services for you to pay.

This is why we highly recommend that you purchase uninsured motorcycle coverage. Insurance providers have different types of exclusions for this type of coverage so we recommend you talk with each potential provider individually to see what they cover.

3. Bodily Injury Coverage:

Most states in the United States require bodily injury insurance coverage. When you are at fault in an accident this is the method of insurance that will cover injury to others and to their personal property (motorcycle or vehicle). Because this kind of insurance is directly related to your degree of liability for the crash we recommend that you have a much as you can afford comfortably.

An example of bodily damage insurance is 15/30/10. This means that $15,000 at most will be paid out to cover each persons injuries with a total accident payout of $30,000. The final number refers to the total payout for property damage.

4. Motorcycle Collision Coverage:

This type of coverage covers the expense to you to repair or replace your motorcycle in the even that it is either damaged in an accident or stolen. In the case of collision coverage it usually does not matter who is at fault.

To collect on a claim for collision coverage it is necessary first for you to pay the deductible on your coverage. The higher your deductible is the lower will be your monthly payments and the lower your deductible the higher your monthly payments so choose your deductible carefully.


With this knowledge, we recommend that you take your time when looking for an insurance provider. Always use a reputable company that has been around for a while and has good customer feedback. Pricing companies is simple, just call them up and keep a list of what the different companies charge for similar types of coverage.

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