Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

7 Things That Affect How Your Car Insurance Rates Work

By Pete Goose

It's important to understand how car insurance works and how your premiums are calculated. You will never know the exact formula for calculating your rates, but there are some factors that will affect how much you pay for car insurance. So here are some things that will raise and lower your car insurance rates based on how risky you are when it comes to driving.

The extent of coverage you need or want will affect how much you spend for car insurance. Obviously, the more protection you want, the more you will have to pay. Take for instance liability insurance, the cheapest type of car insurance, will make you spend less compared to a full coverage plan.

The amount of your deductible will play a direct roll in how much you pay for car insurance. A deductible is simply the amount of money you pay before the insurance company will start paying a covered claim. The more money you are willing to take out of your own pocket before the insurance company does, the less you will have to pay in premiums. The less your deductible is, the more money your premium will be because the insurance company will likely have to pay you at some point.

Your driving record likewise has a significant impact on premium amount. If you are prone to accidents, the insurance companies will deem you as high risk. Your premium will consequently increase. If you hold a good driving record, your premiums will be lower because you pose a lower risk. The insurance companies are attracted to low risk individuals.

Credit rating can influence your car insurance premiums either positively or negatively. A high credit score will encourage good car insurance rate. Again, this is because you impose a lower risk since you dont neglect your credit responsibility.

Where you live can affect your car insurance rates. If you live in a bigger city where there are lots of theft, then your insurance premiums can be higher. Insurance companies will give you a discount based on where you live, if you car has anti theft protection, and where you store your vehicle when not driving it. There is not much you can do about this factor other than driving a car that has more safety features.

Your age will determine the rate of your car insurance as well. By and large, the more years you spend in driving, the less your car insurance will cost. Teenagers and people under 25 years of age usually pay higher rates than other people. Seniors also demand higher rates because both teenagers and seniors are prone to accidents.

Lastly, the type of car you drive has direct impact on your car insurance rate. The number of security features, age of vehicle, and type of automobile you drive will vary your car insurance rates. If you plan to buy a new car, determine how much you will have to spend to insure your car.

Hopefully these 7 guidelines about car insurance rates provide you with useful information on how car insurance works, and how to estimate your rates. The more informed you are concerning car insurance, the better equipped you will be in the future.

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