Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Cheap Car Insurance -- Guaranteed Steps

It's quite very easy for everyone to find the right vehicle insurance coverage for a lot less. All you have to do to achieve this goal are little bits of information (Put into good use). Let's look at a few time-tested ways to get this done...

1. You are definitely spending more than necessary if you have collision and comprehensive coverage for an old car that's not a classic. This is because you're paid compensation based on what is referred to the Kelly Blue Book value of your car as at when you file a claim. Therefore, you will paid nothing if the book shows that your vehicle isn't worth a dime when you file a claim.

Therefore, take the right step and leave out these coverage types from your policy for all old vehicles. You will be saving much that way.

2. Choosing higher deductibles is a standard step to land cheaper rates. The best method is to opt for the highest deductible that you can pay with relative ease.

Your insurance carrier you to pay this amount.

3. Drive as little as possible since it will lower your mileage and get you a low mileage discount. This is particularly true for those of us who stay in cities with advanced mass transit networks.

Carpooling is also another smart way of bringing down your mileage.

4. You will save much if you will shop around and do detailed comparison. The the difference in quotes presented per query could be as wide as $1,000 for a particular person. While this is a good thing, it's advisable that you don't get too excited yet. It's not usually that easy if you're after the best price to value ratio.

The lowest quote may not represent you the best price/value. Notwithstanding that each of the quotes offered will definitely give you the same basic coverage, there may be several differences in the details of coverage. This makes it important that you find out if there aren't any exclusions you won't like.

Don't forget to treat these no-obligation quotes as their name implies. Don't feel obliged to pay unless you've got all your questions answered to your satisfaction. You will never get rude shocks down the road if you do this.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lower Car Insurance Rate -- Simple But Proven Ways

1. Do your best to always ensure your auto insurance never lapses. Individuals who allow this to happen to them get higher rates for a long time. Don't make room for this mistake if you're switching because that's when this happens to a lot of people.

Don't terminate your old policy until the new one is fully in force and you'll avoid this costly mistake. As simple as this may seem, many people are bearing the weight of higher rates because of just a little negligence.

2. If you opt to pay your premiums monthly, you'll attract higher rates. You may be told monthly payments are less stressful but what you don't know is how much more you pay for it..

If you do transactions with banks you will agree with me that each check you process is regarded as transaction which attracts charges. All through a year, your monthly checks would be processed separately since they are all separate transactions. This means that you'll pay transaction charges 12 times..

Apart from this there are also administrative costs that are incurred due to the monthly payment option. For instance, it costs some money to send payment notices monthly.

These and more are then included in your rate thereby making it higher than if you paid annually.

3. You'll be given cheaper car insurance rates if you pay by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This authorizes your bank to credit your insurance provider with your premium payments automatically until you stipulate to the contrary. This saves your insurer in many ways such as eliminating the cost of mailing payment notices and the cost of processing checks. This is why this attracts lower rates.

4. You will save much money in auto insurance if you obtain and compare auto insurance quotes from quotes sites. You will realize savings if you visit just one of such sites. However, you will get more by using at least five.

The plain reason for this is that you will receive a greater number of auto insurance quotes from a wider range of insurance companies. This raises your chances of getting better rates.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cheaper Automobile Insurance: Four Proven Ways

1. Folks who have more than one vehicle will make reasonable savings if they insure them all with the same auto insurance provider. You are only advised to do otherwise if the total of your rates with different insurance companies is lower than what you'll get with a multi-vehicle discount if you buy from one insurance company. You can ensure you are choosing the best in your case by doing thorough comparison shopping. But if you don't have plans to shop around, you can be sure that you'll still save reasonably with a multi-vehicle discount.

2. You will also get a considerable discount if you maintain more than one policy with the same insurance company. This clearly means you should endeavor to buy your auto policy from the same carrier that underwrites your homeowners, health or LTC insurance policies.

Howbeit, be informed that you might be better served if you purchase your various policies from different providers who have the lowest rates for each policy. Getting quotes and comparing offers out there with what you'll save are highly beneficial steps. You'll be certain of the better choice in your case when you take this step.

3. Staying without making claims will qualify you for a special discount. But don't be taken aback if your agent tells you your car insurance company does not give this discount.

If your insurer is one of the few who don't give this discount tell them without mincing words that you will go to another provider. In fact, you should because you'll definitely find a better deal somewhere else if you've maintained a clean slate for this long.

And, believe it or not, your insurer is likely to give a concession if they notice you're really serious about switching.

4. You can reduce your auto insurance premium by asking for and comparing quotes from at least five good quotes sites.

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Friday, August 28, 2009

Vehicle Insurance -- Three Additional Smart Steps

You don't have to do exceptional things in most cases in order to reduce your automobile insurance rates. Just understanding a few compulsory steps and doing them will make a real difference. I'll take some time out in this article to show you some of those things...

1. It's cheaper to insure a car if you stay in a rural area. Sparsely populated areas get far better rates since they are less exposed to risks of vandalism, theft, collision and such problems that are usually associated with urban areas.

2. You might be able to bring down your rate if you go through your car insurance policy from time to time. It is painful to state that a lot of people are still paying for things they needed yesterday but no longer need for today. A clear example is a situation where a couple leave their wedded daughter on their policy for over a year simply because they forgot.

In addition, there are discounts you might be entitled to. There are also coverage types that might now be unnecessary.

Go through your auto insurance policy up to twice yearly. Discovering even one thing that should be dropped your auto insurance policy and dropping it will save you something reasonable.

3. You will save much money in auto insurance if you get and compare auto insurance quotes from quotes sites. You will make savings if you go to only one quotes site. But keep this in mind, you'll get more by visiting at least five.

The plain logic in this is that you'll obtain many more auto insurance quotes from many more insurance companies. This increases your chances of receiving better offers.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Car Insurance -- Non-Owner, Why Bother?

Why should anyone who doesn't own a car even bother about owning a car insurance policy? Hold on tight because you are in for a great surprise! An auto insurance policy is a smart even if you do not own a car if you fall into any of the situations I will talk about later in this article.

Since you live in an advanced cities with more competent mass transit systems, you may not really need to own a car for your daily movement. You can visit a car rental service at any time you want to go for a picnic or vacation.

These rental companies sell insurance if you want to cover your rent period. However, depending on how regular you have to hire a vehicle, you might be better off with a non-owner car insurance policy.

If your friends and family members know that you bought a car insurance policy they'll be more likely to release their vehicle to you than otherwise. If you're a car owner, who would you take more responsible: The person who has a non-owner auto insurance policy and the person who does not? People like dealing with people who show that they are responsible.

Now, you need to know something about a non-owner car insurance policy. Your non-owner's policy cannot override the auto owners policy. It functions only if the car owner's policy's liability limit cannot take care of the damages caused. I think an example will help make this clearer...

Assuming you borrowed a vehicle and had an accident where you caused a damage of twenty seven thousand dollars. If the auto owner's liability limit is thirty thousand dollars, your insurance won't be touched. However, if in the same case, the owners liability limit is $15,000, your insurance will take care of the balance.

It's very important, if you have anything to do with auto insurance, that you know how to get massive savings because of the disparity in premiums by insurance companies. This 100% legal way to get savings can save you many hundreds of dollars...

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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Tips For Keeping Your Driving Record Clean

By Amy Nutt

Keeping your driving record clean is essential to keeping your insurance premiums low and preventing a drivers license suspension. Drivers earn demerit points on their drivers license for such vehicle violations as speeding tickets, DUI, accidents when they are at-fault, moving violations, parking fines, etc. These violations can seriously damage one's driving record. Too many accumulated demerit points can result in high fines, a drivers license suspension, and an increase in insurance premiums.

According to Adam Haber, CEO of, "Driving infractions are the main reasons why auto insurance rates go higher." Insurance companies have the ability to check your driving record, so it is essential to keep your driving record clean.

Traffic tickets such as speeding tickets can significantly raise your insurance premiums. It is important to drive the speed limit to avoid these tickets. If you receive a traffic ticket, there is a way a driver can keep it off their driving record. For instance, attending a traffic school can have a number of benefits such as canceling the traffic ticket. As well, if you attend a defensive driving school, your insurance company will give you a discount on your insurance premiums. It will also improve your driving skills, thereby decreasing the chances of having an at-fault accident. All states offer driver education programs, defensive driver programs, or traffic schools that every driver can attend. They can do this in person or on the Internet. When a driver completes the program and passes the tests, the demerit points will be removed from the driving record.

Taking an online driver safety program is a convenient way to keep your driving record clean. Classes are given using a virtual web-based program. Students are able to work at their own rate. Ask your insurance provider to recommend an online driver safety program that they will give a discount on your insurance premium once you complete the program. When you have approval to take your driver training program online, you just have to go to the site and register by submitting your information details to the driver training company. You can pay electronically using a secure web page. Once you complete payment, you will be directed to a web page where you will be provided with the program material. The course can either be taken online or as a downloaded software program.

Another way of keeping your driving record clean is to always pay your tickets on time. It could cause a lot more problems if there is an open driving infraction on your driving record. If you have an open driving violation, you may not even be able to leave the country.

The most important point to remember about keeping your driving record clean is to drive safely, don't speed, and obey all traffic laws. A bad driving record can affect your ability to get a certain job, raise your insurance policies significantly, and even cost your ability to drive. As well, with current economic conditions being so unstable, a fine can really hurt the wallet. If you have a realistic argument to fight a ticket, it may be advantageous to take your case to traffic court. The numerous benefits of maintaining a clean drive record makes it as important as having a drivers license.

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Consequence of Lying to Your Car Insurance Company

By Amy Nutt

Car insurance companies are very strict on their insurance packages and most times, they look at your details to be able to award you the necessary insurance. Therefore, it is not uncommon to find car insurance buyers looking for ways to falsify their details in the bid to reduce their premium price and get cheaper auto insurance quotes. In fact, research has shown that in the UK alone, over 10% of all drivers have lied at a point in time about their details or records while in the US, it is estimated at a whopping 27%. Details that are mostly lied about include the age and address of the driver. In some cases, drivers have been known to leave out speeding tickets, drunken driving records and bans on driving they may have received.

Sadly, many drivers seem to think this is the norm and therefore lie about all these when they are applying for an insurance policy. And this is further influenced by the thinking that the companies are mandated to pay and reward them. Most informed drivers know that falsifying your records is seen as fraud while the uninformed drivers think it is ok to lie about their records. The truth is insurance companies are beginning to catch up with this trend and are taking steps against the frequent occurrence of such acts. One of these steps is in the installation of software that will function as a lie detector and will compare all the different data for traces of irregularities. Besides this, insurance companies now have penalties that are meted out on culprits of this act. These include:

1. Cancellation of the Insurance Policy. All culprits will lose their rights to any form of insurance with the company of they are caught. This means that all the monies paid prior to that time will not be retrieved or paid back and the driver will forfeit all attendant benefits.

2. All Claims will be lost and denied. All drivers caught in the act of falsification will be denied all claims. During accidents, most drivers and car owners resort to the insurance company to offer some form of relief. Even if the claims are genuine, the insurance company will desist from making the required payment if it detects false information.

3. Blacklisting in all car insurance companies Depending on the severity of the false information, most insurance companies will willingly blacklist the driver thus making it really hard for him to drive his car.

4. May pay Fines If the driver is found guilty of severe falsification or under the insurance act, he would be required to pay the sum of one hundred thousand dollars and another two hundred thousand dollars if there are other offences discovered. 5. Jail Terms.

In Canada, all offenders could face up to ten years in prison and may be forced to pay a sum greater than five thousand dollars if found guilty. So whatever the case may be, it is in your best interest to tell the truth at all times.

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How You Can Save On Your Car Insurance With These Tips

By Justin Potrovic

It's really very easy to change you into a savvy shopper, just take note of these car insurance pointers. You will be amazed by how simple, easy, and effective these strategies are at giving you the best deal. Heres some fail-safe ways to shave ten, twenty, or even hundreds of dollars off your car insurance policy.

First, drive carefully. Even if a person only got hold of a few speeding tickets or had a few accidents, a higher car insurance policy rate still awaits him. It is always best to have zero record of any driving offenses. Instead of consuming your hard-earned money for insurance premiums, be wary in obeying all traffic regulations so you can keep your money in your own pocket.

Another is, take note of the numerous discounts you can receive from car insurance companies. To best avail of this deal, you need to be acquainted with what they offer. For example, you can include all of your vehicles in one policy to acquire a multiple vehicle discount.

You can insure both your house and car on the same policy, and obtain a multiple line discount. You may inquire from companies of further price reductions for good student card report, low mileage, airbag and anti-theft safety systems, newer car model, and occupational and auto club discounts. The more discounts you avail, the more money you will save.

Additional car insurance tips: increase your deductibles if you can, with a reasonable price. Your deductible is how much you will have to initially pay when you make a claim before the insurance company steps in and helps with the costs. If you maintain a minimal deductible, like 250 dollars, your premium will increase. If you have a bigger deductible, say 500 dollars, your premium will decrease respectively.

If ever you plan of moving out, it would be a fine point to seek out the best deal in the area. Most of the time, there are better rates suited for the new location. Auto insurance companies are like snowflakes-they all have the same concept in mind: to insure their customers, but each one uniquely tailors their own plan to implement this. So if someone claims that as long as youre insured, any insurance company will do, don't believe them.

The best way to save money on your insurance is to search around. An insurance with the lowest premium may not be best bet, there may be some differences with the coverage with other insurances. To be sure, make a comparison of different plans with similar coverage, deductibles, and limitations, so you know you're really getting the best possible deal.

Checking out websites that compare insurances may prove useful for collecting needed facts about different plans. Hopefully these car insurance tips are exactly what you need to start saving money on your premiums today.

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3 Simple Ways To Learn How To Lower Your Car Insurance Rates

By Frank Cook

There are numerous ways you can do to drop your car insurance rates and help you gain a more ideas how car insurance works. If you are aware of schemes to decrease your car insurance rates, you will surely save a large amount of money in your lifetime. So heed these 3 easy techniques to save on auto insurance.

The simplest method to save on any insurance policy is to shop around. Whats best about this scheme is, this can be done in less than five minutes by simply completing an online quote form. Regardless of your credit rating, driving history, or age, you can avail the best deal by comparing the car insurance rates of various companies.

The next best thing to secure a car insurance is by driving safely. If you really want to save a chunk of cash, then you ought to obey traffic rules and get rid of speeding tickets. Your driving history is likely the greatest determinant of car insurance companies in computing your premium. So be wary, and keep a clean driving record.

And Lastly, anyone can save money on their car insurance by increasing their premium. The more you are willing to pay out of your pocket means that's less money the car insurance company will have to pay when you submit a claim. Again, anyone can qualify for this type of discount. Of course, you have to be able to afford your deductible if an accident does occur.

Another good advice to save on your car insurance is to maintain good credit. A better credit score you have will decrease your car insurance rate. The insurance companies notice your sense of responsibility and consider this in computing for your rate. If you have awful credit, you still have a chance to benefit from the discount on car insurance by merely building up your credit. It will take time but it will be worth it. Your total rates decrease accordingly with a good credit rating.

If you follow these easy steps for minimizing your car insurance rates, you will end up saving thousands of dollars in your lifetime. Otherwise, you would end up paying higher rates for car insurance. These recommendations are simple to follow so heed them to save money. There are other factors to regard as well when looking at car insurance rates, this is just a piece of advice.

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Your Insurance Premiums Can Depend On Your History

By Graham McKenzie

Getting a quote for car or truck Insurance is easy but there is a little known hidden fact about the premiums when you get the quote for your Insurance agent. Premiums are pre determined on the basis of your previous Insurance history and if it is your first policy or if it is your brand new policy ,the percentage offered by the Insurance companies is usually greater than a having a strong history of previous Insurance coverage.

Many will argue that the lack of insurance history should not increase one's premiums. Regardless, among the many considerations in determining premiums are an applicant's demonstrated ability to maintain their payment schedule, their proclivity for making claims on their past policies, and their demonstrated clean driving record. A failing in any of these areas will have the effect of markedly increasing your premiums to a much higher rate than you would prefer.

Applicants are better served by soliciting quotes from new insurance companies while still covered by their previous ones, rather than waiting until their old policy expires. Given that insurance companies examine an applicant's credit history, a record of premiums paid consistently and on time is very important in determining whether that company will decide to offer you coverage.

New drivers, drivers with multiple claims for accidents, those with a history of moving violations, and persons who currently do not have insurance coverage sometimes find it easier to obtain coverage through brokers that specialize in "high-risk" drivers. Companies these brokers tend to work with, however, do not tend to offer the most advantageous terms - oftentimes asking for more sizable down payments, offering only high deductibles, and providing minimal coverage.

So once you have started a policy, be sure to complete it. If you want to establish yourself as a desirable customer, purchase a policy for six months. Drive carefully, _don't_ get any tickets, and make your payments regularly and promptly. When it's time to renew, get out the phone book and start checking other brokers. Now that you have a good insurance history, other insurers will be eager for your business. Your original insurer will be reluctant to lose you, and will most likely match any quote you get from another company. Your next six months could end up costing you hundreds of dollars less than your first.

It never hurts to shop around for a better rate at policy renewal time. Your current insurance company would be happy to keep you on at last year's higher rate. It's up to you to have them review your policy. If you change jobs or change your address, you may have a shorter and/or safer drive to work. Changes like these can make you eligible for lower premiums, so review your policy when they happen. Now that you have a good history, other insurers will want your business, and they'll offer you lower rates to get it. Your current insurer, remember, will want to keep you, so they'll also make you a better offer.

Be street smart. Make sure you go around and hunt to get the best quotes from the Insurance companies which are ready to offer you their services before selecting your Insurance policies. Think twice before getting committed to a policy. A little amount of good behavior such as not allowing the policy to lapse, clean driving record or prompt payment of premiums on time can reward you with higher rates and get a better deal the next time you start hunting for the best cover.

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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Driving in New York

By Ricardo Liguriano

Contrary to popular belief, looking for car insurance can pay off. Though it is a time consuming thing that will sometimes make your head spin, its a necessity for the safety and protection of you and your family.

Researching car insurance can be a time consuming process that can be some what difficult, but it is imperative that you do your research and educate yourself on what to do and what not to do when it comes to obtaining a car insurance quote NY.

There are loop holes that can be found in every system. However, when it comes to getting auto insurance, getting in under a loop hole is not recommended. It is vital that you follow the rules and carefully distinguish and articulate your needs to your insurance provider.

Last fall when Kathy Lee was driving home from work she rear ended an older gentleman who was had to make a random stop. Kathy Lee claims she did not see the man. Because Kathy Lee hit the man from behind while he was at a complete stop, the accident was her fault according to the law. As a result she was given a ticket. The accident as well as the ticket went on her driving record.

Due to Kathy Lee's father's position in the United States Army, she researched whether or not she would qualify for a discount.

Obtaining the correct information is a fairly easy process and should not take long when you go through the right channels like the New York State Insurance Department.

Over the next few months Kathy will continue to research all of her available options in the state of New York.

Researching a car insurance quote NY is a detailed process, but one that is worth it. Do your research and get the best deal for the best price!

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Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Ways That 4x4 Insurance Varies From Standard Car Insurance

By Susan Reynolds

If you own a 4x4 you may have noticed that the insurance rates are higher than a car. This is because a 4x4 vehicle is quite different than a car and therefore incurs higher premiums. 4x4?s have different features as well as different capabilities which have an effect on the insurance rate. You should know exactly what you?re looking for and exactly how a 4x4 will affect insurance rates before you choose to buy a 4x4 or 4x4 insurance.

The type of policy you have will affect what type of coverage you?re getting. All types of policies will cover other drivers and their vehicles in an accident. You can also get policies that cover your vehicle and your passengers along with theft and weather damage. 4x4 insurance has similar properties as regular car insurance however there are some slight differences. The main problem is that you?re going to do more damage to another vehicle if you hit them than you would in a car. Since the estimated repair costs will be higher they increase the insurance premium you have to pay.

4x4?s will also be subject to higher rates because of their popularity. If you live near the city rates will be higher than normal for vandalism, theft, and other damages. Drivers of 4x4?s in rural areas often do not need this type of coverage, but it will be less expensive if they do get it.

Costs to fix 4x4 trucks and SUVs are much higher than the cost to fix regular vehicles. This is because parts are harder to find and repair. Insurance companies will look at this as an extra cost to insure your vehicle and will charge you more. If you have extra features added to your 4x4 that didn?t come with the stock you will have to get extra insurance to have these repaired in case of an accident. Insurance companies won?t voluntarily pay for these extra add-ons unless your policy specifically covers them.

Off road driving is the biggest difference between 4x4 and regular car insurance. This option lets you take your vehicle off of the road and through other terrains. If you damage your vehicle, which is fairly likely, the damages will only be covered if you have a specific policy with off-road insurance. A standard policy will become void for the time you drive off road, leaving you to pay the damages yourself. Prices will increase if you regularly participate in races or other all-terrain sports with your 4x4. Some people choose to get insurance for these events just for one day to reduce costs.

The insurance basics are virtually the same besides these few factors. You will want to check with several insurance companies to try to find the best rate for your 4x4. You should also review the policies of the various insurance companies very closely as they may have different policies regarding your 4x4 and its coverage.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

7 Things That Affect How Your Car Insurance Rates Work

By Pete Goose

It's important to understand how car insurance works and how your premiums are calculated. You will never know the exact formula for calculating your rates, but there are some factors that will affect how much you pay for car insurance. So here are some things that will raise and lower your car insurance rates based on how risky you are when it comes to driving.

The extent of coverage you need or want will affect how much you spend for car insurance. Obviously, the more protection you want, the more you will have to pay. Take for instance liability insurance, the cheapest type of car insurance, will make you spend less compared to a full coverage plan.

The amount of your deductible will play a direct roll in how much you pay for car insurance. A deductible is simply the amount of money you pay before the insurance company will start paying a covered claim. The more money you are willing to take out of your own pocket before the insurance company does, the less you will have to pay in premiums. The less your deductible is, the more money your premium will be because the insurance company will likely have to pay you at some point.

Your driving record likewise has a significant impact on premium amount. If you are prone to accidents, the insurance companies will deem you as high risk. Your premium will consequently increase. If you hold a good driving record, your premiums will be lower because you pose a lower risk. The insurance companies are attracted to low risk individuals.

Credit rating can influence your car insurance premiums either positively or negatively. A high credit score will encourage good car insurance rate. Again, this is because you impose a lower risk since you dont neglect your credit responsibility.

Where you live can affect your car insurance rates. If you live in a bigger city where there are lots of theft, then your insurance premiums can be higher. Insurance companies will give you a discount based on where you live, if you car has anti theft protection, and where you store your vehicle when not driving it. There is not much you can do about this factor other than driving a car that has more safety features.

Your age will determine the rate of your car insurance as well. By and large, the more years you spend in driving, the less your car insurance will cost. Teenagers and people under 25 years of age usually pay higher rates than other people. Seniors also demand higher rates because both teenagers and seniors are prone to accidents.

Lastly, the type of car you drive has direct impact on your car insurance rate. The number of security features, age of vehicle, and type of automobile you drive will vary your car insurance rates. If you plan to buy a new car, determine how much you will have to spend to insure your car.

Hopefully these 7 guidelines about car insurance rates provide you with useful information on how car insurance works, and how to estimate your rates. The more informed you are concerning car insurance, the better equipped you will be in the future.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

You Can Save Money On Your Car Insurance With These Top Tips

By Kyle Kushman

It's really very easy to change you into a savvy shopper, just take note of these car insurance pointers. You will be amazed by how simple, easy, and effective these strategies are at giving you the best deal. Heres some fail-safe ways to shave ten, twenty, or even hundreds of dollars off your car insurance policy.

First, drive carefully. Even if a person only got hold of a few speeding tickets or had a few accidents, a higher car insurance policy rate still awaits him. It is always best to have zero record of any driving offenses. Instead of consuming your hard-earned money for insurance premiums, be wary in obeying all traffic regulations so you can keep your money in your own pocket.

Next, there are a variety of discounts you can receive from car insurance companies. In order to take advantage of these, familiarize yourself with what a company offers you. For example, add all of your vehicles onto one policy to receive a multiple vehicle discount.

Further, insure your house as well as your vehicle on the same policy, and you may be able to get a multiple line discount. A few other deductions worth asking about are good student, low mileage, airbag, anti theft, age, occupational and auto club discounts. The more discounts you meet the requirements for, the more money you will save.

A few more car insurance tips: raise your deductibles if you can, if the price is right. Your deductible is how much you will have to pay up front in the event you have to file a claim before the insurance company steps in and helps with the costs. When you have a low deductible, for example you pay the first 250 dollars, your premium will be higher. If you had a higher deductible of 500 dollars, your premium will be lower.

In case you transfer to another residence, make it a point to seek out the best car insurance suitable for your new location. You can always stumble upon car insurance policies with better deals just right for your new residence. Auto insurance companies are like snowflakes-they all have the basic scheme of insuring their customers, but each has a unique way of implementing this. So if you are told that it does not matter which company you pick for insurance as long as you have it, do not believe them.

The best way to save money on your insurance is to search around. An insurance with the lowest premium may not be best bet, there may be some differences with the coverage with other insurances. To be sure, make a comparison of different plans with similar coverage, deductibles, and limitations, so you know you're really getting the best possible deal.

It may be helpful to check out comparison websites to assist you in gathering the information you need about different plans. Hopefully these car insurance tips are just what you need to start saving you and your loved ones money on your premiums today.

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Car Insurance Tips For Saving A Lot Of Cash

By Charles Keith

With only a handful of car insurance strategies, you could be on your way to saving money on your premiums. Many individuals complain about the price of their car insurance, but the fact of the matter is, many of these insured drivers aren't receiving the whole benefits of their policies. If you know what your insurance company offers, you can reap the maximum benefits.

The quickest way to reduce your payment is to make sure you are getting every discount you can qualify for. After all, why pay full price for a product when you don't have to? Car insurance works the same way.

There are different types of obtainable discounts. A good student who can show a promising report card can get a discount. A police officer or nurse or other professionals can avail of discounts because of their alliances. Further, a person who insures his house and car in the same policy may qualify for a discount.

Next, you may deliberate on ending your coverage. Now before you toss these car insurance guidelines out the window, think about it this way. A vehicle more than fifteen years old with a collision insurance on it may cost you much money you'll later regret.

When your car crashes into something, it will be considered a complete loss. Rather than securing a collision insurance for a retiring car, simply terminate this specific plan since you don't have any use for it. Evaluate and weigh all your vehicles' coverage to be certain you aren't over insuring them.

Another tested means to minimize your premium is to pay off your entire bill when you receive it, rather than pay it monthly. Having to pay the bill in a monthly basis may seem practical, but in reality, you will be paying more. If you pay a bigger amount instantly, you'll trim down your bill and end up paying less in the long run.

Now you know, all you have to do to save money on your insurance is invest a little bit of your time to make sure you are taking advantage of all the discounts possible. Only pay what you need to on coverage and pay your complete bill when you get it to avoid extra fees. The money you will save yourself using these car insurance tips will really amount to a lot as the year goes on.

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Motorcycle Insurance: Four Kinds You Do Not Want To Be Without

By Nathan Henderson

Just like cars and trucks, there are various types of motorcycle insurance that a rider can buy and each type of insurance covers different things. For the purposes of simplicity in this article we will only focus on the basic types, which are under insured and uninsured coverage, bodily injury, and collision coverage.

1. Insurance Coverage To Cover Under Insured Riders:

Under insured motorcycle insurance coverage will pay for your expenses if the other rider party is at fault and the other party does not have sufficient insurance to cover the costs of the claim.

It is usually recommended that you carry at least 100/300. This means that in the event of a crash with an under insured rider, that your insurance company will cover up to $100,000 per person and $300,000 per accident.

2. Insurance Coverage To Cover The Uninsured Riders:

Just like it sounds, this type of insurance is used when the person that hits you I not covered by insurance at all. Life can quickly turn into a nightmare when you are hit by an uninsured individual and they are not solvent to collect anything from . This leaves all the bills for bike replacement, medical services and even therapeutic services for you to pay.

This is why we highly recommend that you purchase uninsured motorcycle coverage. Insurance providers have different types of exclusions for this type of coverage so we recommend you talk with each potential provider individually to see what they cover.

3. Bodily Injury Coverage:

Most states in the United States require bodily injury insurance coverage. When you are at fault in an accident this is the method of insurance that will cover injury to others and to their personal property (motorcycle or vehicle). Because this kind of insurance is directly related to your degree of liability for the crash we recommend that you have a much as you can afford comfortably.

An example of bodily damage insurance is 15/30/10. This means that $15,000 at most will be paid out to cover each persons injuries with a total accident payout of $30,000. The final number refers to the total payout for property damage.

4. Motorcycle Collision Coverage:

This type of coverage covers the expense to you to repair or replace your motorcycle in the even that it is either damaged in an accident or stolen. In the case of collision coverage it usually does not matter who is at fault.

To collect on a claim for collision coverage it is necessary first for you to pay the deductible on your coverage. The higher your deductible is the lower will be your monthly payments and the lower your deductible the higher your monthly payments so choose your deductible carefully.


With this knowledge, we recommend that you take your time when looking for an insurance provider. Always use a reputable company that has been around for a while and has good customer feedback. Pricing companies is simple, just call them up and keep a list of what the different companies charge for similar types of coverage.

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Important Information About Motorcycle Insurance and Motorcycle Ownership

By Nancy Smith

Did you know that even though motorcycles only make up three percent of the vehicles on our roads today, that motorcycles make up a large amount of the auto thefts and auto accidents on a yearly basis in the United States? It's True. Five to ten motorcycles are stolen across the country every minute. Motorcycles are also involved in close to ten percent of all vehicular accidents, despite only being three percent of the vehicles on the road.

Because finding motorcycle insurance, and learning about the various types of insurance, is confusing to most new bike owners, we have put this article together to better inform you regarding the options and recommendations.

Deciding on what is the proper type of motorcycle insurance for you and your bike can be a big deal. Of course, considering how commonly motorcycles are stolen, you should highly consider full coverage. The hardest part really is deciding on what kind of insurance you want to purchase because the internet has made comparing prices so easy. With just a few clicks, you can have a broker searching for the best possible quotes, which will then allow you to compare them side by side.

Unlike cars that are for the most part used all year round, motorcycles are most often only used seasonally and this is something that often causes owners to opt for liability insurance rather than full cover. Before you decide on doing this we recommend that you think about if only buying liability insurance will be what you really want. What will happen if you crash your bike? The insurance company will not pay to replace it. As with all things in life, you get what you pay for so the best thing you can do, is to let your agent determine exactly what all is included in each quote.

The make and model you bike will have an influence on how much you will pay for motorcycle insurance. Sport bikes look good, they sound good and they are fast. Insurance companies are also aware of this so crotch rocket owners can expect to pay higher insurance prices. The other more expensive bikes to insure are touring bikes due to their size, cost and the amount of miles that they usually travel. Basically, insurance companies always take the kind of motorcycle you have into consideration when providing quotes.

Other factors, such as how much experience you have riding motorcycles or where you will be parking the motorcycle at night, also will have an influence on the price of your insurance premiums. As you can see, there are a whole host of aspects to determining what you will need to pay for your motorcycle insurance.

It is because of reasons like this that we recommend that you talk in detail about your motorcycle insurance needs with an insurance agent. They will be able to help you get the best deal while ensuring that you have all the coverage that you need. Remember, looking for insurance online is a great way to compare quotes side by side.

In closing, congratulations on buying your bike (or considering it if you have not yet purchased a motorcycle). We are sure that you will have hours of enjoyment in the seat. Ride safely and remember, always carry enough motorcycle insurance.

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Monday, August 3, 2009

The Meaning Of Incidence Rate

By Graham McKenzie

Often when you're shopping for quotes from car insurance companies the phrase "incidence rate" will be brought up fairly frequently. Many consumers do not fully understand what this means, but in reality it's just a easy procedure to determine the risk level of your vehicle by using the statistics that are given by auto industries that show how likely your car is to be involved in an accident, be stolen, or the severity of damage it suffers from a small accident.

Certain types and models of vehicles are more attractive to thieves. Also, certain models have been shown to be more likely to be involved in accidents or violations such as speeding or reckless driving. The insurance quote not only takes into account your personal driving history, but is also determined by the type of vehicle that is being insured.

How are these incidence rates determined? Whenever a vehicle is involved in a theft, accident, or traffic violation, the law enforcement agencies specify the make and model of the vehicle. These statistics are compiled into a database which shows which vehicle types are more likely to be involved in these incidents. The insurance industry uses these statistics to determine the risk level of each vehicle type and adjusts premium rates accordingly.

It's common knowledge that sporty cars are more likely to get speeding tickets but many people do not know that cars with light colors are involved in more accidents as well. This information should be available to everyone, not just your insurance agents. You can talk with a car dealer or do an internet search on why your rates might be higher than everyone else.

But what if you really had your heart set on a certain vehicle type, only to find out that the specific model was more prone to auto thefts than others? Obviously, your insurance rates will be higher than if you had chosen a different vehicle. If a vehicle is stolen, your insurance company must reimburse you for the full fair-market value of the vehicle. But by installing anti-theft devices, alarm systems, and even GPS systems, you can lower the theft risk and help lower your insurance premiums.

If your car is a color that's more likely to be hit by another car, such as white, you can add uninsured or underinsured motorist protection to ensure that you are covered in case the other driver isn't. Most of the time the insurance company will allow a lower rate in this case as they're protected from extra costs. Remember that even though it's illegal to drive without insurance it's still very common to find people who don't think they need it. You have to think ahead to protect yourself in this situation.

It's very important that you know what the incident rate for your car is for all of the situations mentioned above. These would be accidents, theft, and the sad but possible possibility that your car could be completely destroyed in a car accident. Everyone might want to ponder their car choices a little bit more, and maybe choose the slightly more conservative car over the flashy white or yellow sports car. This could save you money in the long run, and it might actually help make you safer!

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What Is So Fascinating About Advantage Car Rental?

By Anne Durrell

Finding the right car rental company is very important thing. Even though car rentals are available through a lot of different companies all over the world.

A good car rental company will always help you to get a suitable car and give you a great deal. That is why you should learn more about how Advantage Car Rental can help you!

The Basic Information

When you want to rent a car from Advantage Car Rental, you will need to think about some specifics about your car rental. Car rentals are usually based upon specific information and your price are decided based upon:

* Where you are traveling

* Pick up and drop off time

* Type of car desired

You can go online and visit Advantage Car Rental web site, they have a very easy to use form that allow their customers to enter information as well as find a list of cars that we can rent. Every detailed will show us all the available car types with information about the number of passengers as well as storage space in each car.

Advantage Car Rental Company will help you to get the car that suitable your needs perfectly. A very helpful customer service will also guide you through the rental process and will make things simple to book the rental car you need.

Things to Consider

Getting the right rental car is crucial, so you should think ahead about a number of things, from how much storage is in the car, and how far you will be travelling.

You may be using it just as a mode of transportation while you are at your vacation destination or you could be using it to travel to your destination. Your intended use for the rental is very important in figuring out what type of vehicle will be the best for you.

Other considerations you should make are:

* It has enough room for all passengers as well as luggage.

* Available car seat rental, if needed.

* Their methods of payment

* Age restrictions

During busy vacation times, booking a rental car can be very difficult. So you will want to be sure that you book your rental car in advance.

Very often when you wait to book a vehicle you will end up with incomplete choice in available cars. You may also miss great bargains and end up paying a lot more money.

Renting a car from Advantage Company allows you to find the car that suits your needs at a cost that most people can actually afford. Just be sure that you know what you want when you book your rental car with them.

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Top Ez Car Rental Tips!

By Anne Durrell

No matter where you live or where you are travelling EZ Car Rental makes renting a vehicle a convenient process and very simple. People will find that with EZ Car Rental they get the best deals and the best vehicles.

Renting a Car from EZ Car Rental

Renting a vehicle can be a very frustrating experience for everyone. It can be troublesome, especially if we have never done it before since there are a lot of confusing factors of renting a vehicle.

You will need to meet certain requirements and restrictions. You will also have to shop for the best value so you can be sure you get a good car and a good price.

What we need is a vehicle that will get us where we need to go for a trip safely without costing us a lot of money. With Ez Car Rental we will get a very good car that is functional and meets our needs for our trip, but that also is inexpensive.

The History of EZ Car Rental

EZ Car Rental offers car rentals in seven States, as well as Puerto Rico. In the UK, New Zealand, Saint Lucia, Mexico, Saint Maarten, Jamaica, Kuwait, Costa Rica, Ireland, Canada as well as Barbados. It started its business in 1994 with only 9 small cars at the Orlando airport, USA.


When it comes to car rentals, Ez Company offers customers a lot of great ways to save money and get a really good deal. Some of the ways EZ Company helps their customers save include:

* Coupons: These EZ Coupons can be used immediately and allow customers to easily print them from their computer and bring the coupons in to redeem them. Every customers can get various coupons for different rental deals.

* eNewsletter: Ez Car Rental offers a Newsletter that sent every month to their customers base and offers the latest hot news about the cars, coupons and special deals. We can found out what we can do to get their best price.

You can also get great information about rentals around the world so if you are traveling you can find the best rental where you are going. You can get it sent right to email automatically.

* Special Discounts: Ez Rental Car Company also offers a reward program for customers who rent their cars regularly. We can get a lot of great deals on group rates or extended rentals.

EZ car rental allows you to get the best car rental possible. It allows you to get the car you need when you need it without spending too much money.

You can shop around, but in the end you will probably find that EZ offers you the best deal you can get.

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