Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lower Vehicle Insurance Rate -- Straightforward But Effective Steps

1. For no reason should you allow your automobile insurance policy to lapse.. It will make you pay expensive premiums for a long time. It's easy for this to happen to many people as they are switching to another insurer.

One way to ensure you do NOT make this type of mistake is to maintain your old policy until you've confirmed that the new one is in full force. As simple as this may seem, a lot of folks are bearing the pain of higher rates because of this silly little oversight.

Insurance Quote

2. If you opt to pay your premiums monthly, you'll attract higher rates. You may be told monthly payments are convenient but what you don't know is how much extra you pay for it..

There are transaction charges that are attached to processing a check. While a yearly payment calls for a single check and therefore one transaction per year, monthly payments attrract twelve. This means that transaction fees would be 12 times more for those who make monthly payments.

There are also administrative costs to your insurer that are due to monthly payments. A good example of such is the expense associated with mailing payment notices..

All such costs to an insurer is eventually borne by you (that's in addition to their own profit margin for providing such a "convenient" alternative).

3. Take it upon yourself to ask your agent about all the discounts possible with with your preferred insurer. There's a possibility that your agent did not remember to tell you about some. You will reduce the probability of this happening to you if you make it a point of duty to ask your agent seriously to tell you of every discount that is available. You might get a really pleasant surprise!

Cheapest Car Insurance

4. Defensive driving helps therefore complete a course on it. In addition to the fact that they will bring down your rate, they will make you a safer driver.

5. An easy but rewarding way of lowering your automobile insurance premium is by authorizing an EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer). This process authorizes your bank to credit your insurance provider with your premium payments without any intervention from you until you advise to the contrary. This saves costs by eliminating the necessity of payment notices or checks. Your rate is therefore brought down in line with the lower cost of giving you insurance.

Affordable Auto Insurance

6. You can save much money in auto insurance if you obtain and compare auto insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. You will make savings if you go to only one of such sites. But keep this in mind, you will get better results by using at least five.

The straightforward logic in this is that you'll get a greater number of auto insurance quotes from a wider range of insurance companies. This increases your chances of receiving better offers.

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