Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Automobile Insurance Quotes -- To Save Considerably, Implement These

Everyone out there would be quite pleased to discover a way of enjoying lower rates as long as such a way will NOT downgrade the scope of coverage they enjoy. Let's look at some proven ways of achieving just that...

1. Some cars are very expensive to insure. Therefore, as you check out the wonderful specs of the vehicle you want to buy, take some time to find out if it costs too much to insure. Avoid any car that has a high theft rate and/or a poor crash rating.

Another thing to take into consideration is a car's maintenance cost since this is also a factor that affects your auto insurance premium. This is my personal opinion; but it does make sense to opt for a comparable car that is less expensive to insure.

Insurance Quotes

2. You will pay less if your car is considered to have a higher safety rating. Safety ratings should get more consideration when shopping for a new vehicle. Such features attract a reasonable discount. Examples of these safety devices are air bags, automatic seatbelt, ABS brakes and daytime running lights.

3. It's a known fact that young drivers attract high rates. Even in this age bracket, a 23-year old driver will pay much less than a 17 year old all other things being equal.

So you'll do well to NOT place your teenage driver on your policy. You'll be made to pay very high rates if you do otherwise. You can discuss with your agent about signing an exclusion form so that your teen driver can have his/her own auto policy.

Let your teen bear the responsibility of paying for their auto insurance. Teens who pay for their own auto insurance are more willing to take steps to bring it down. Your teen will also be safer as the steps that will bring down his/her rates will make her a more responsible behind wheels.

Auto Insurance Quote

4. The longer you stick with the same insurer the more you stand to gain for two reasons: The long term discount and accident forgiveness. Depending on the insurer, you'll be eligible for a discount of 5% once you've stayed with them for between three and five years.

Most insurers will also not raise the rates of a long standing policy holder if they make only just one claim. It makes sense for the insurer as it is cheaper to give discounts to existing policy holders than to acquire new ones.

But it will only be right for me to also point out that in spite of these incentives, you might actually gain more if you switch to another insurer.

Let usassume, that you will get a five percent (or $125) discount after your third year with an insurer where you present auto insurance rate is $2,500.

But because of inflation, insurers may have to make adjustments in their rates to reflect such changes. But if you are someone who does routine shopping for auto insurance you'll very likely get an insurance carrier within those years of waiting who will give you a similar coverage at a lower rate. If this is true about you then you know it's ideal for you to go for the cheaper offer right away and not wait for years to qualify for a discount that will not even save you as much.

Furthermore, in most cases, most folks can easily pay more affordable rates than they are currentl on auto insurance if they do thorough shopping.. You can only know if it is true in your case after you get and evaluate quotes from a good number of auto insurance carriers and then see where your interest is better served..

5. Take part in a defensive driving class. In addition to the fact that they will reduce your rate, they will help keep you and others safer.

6. It's easy to save a few hundred dollars on a home but lose thousands over the years on auto insurance because of its location. Do you know also know that homes within the same neighbor might actually fall into different risk zones according to the insurance industry's mapping?

So check with your agent before you commit to a new home. This doesn't come readily to mind when you're shopping for a new home. Does it?

Remember, you might live in this home for up to 20 years or more. If its location makes you pay up to $200 more in premium, that will add up to $4,000 within that time frame.

Discount Auto Insurance

7. As an under twenty five, you can pay cheaper auto insurance premiums if you use your parents' policy. If you are of driving age, then your parents certainly are far above 25 years which means they are lower risk drivers.

To take advantage of this though, you'll have to live with your parents and also have the car registered in their name. If you want to own your vehicle, then be the big boy or girl and also own the higher premiums. Sorry, you can't have both with this alternative. However, you can still make massive savings by following the link at the end of this piece.

8. You can see savings of hundreds of dollars on your auto insurance policy by requesting for insurance quotes from quote sites. The best strategy is to visit at least five sites and ensuring that you give the same (correct) information about yourself.

I recommend that you use at least five quotes sites since that will ensure you do not miss out offers not given by the other sites. This offers you a broader basis for doing better comparisons thereby increasing your chances of realizing more savings.

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