Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Automobile Insurance -- Seven Tips Cheap Rates

Anybody who uses proven advice will easily attract cheaper rates while maintaining sufficient coverage However, if you are given the wrong advice, although you may still make huge savings, you will do so by compromising the level of coverage you get. I will, nevertheless, only make recommendations that will save you much while you still keep enjoying the right coverage...

1. People who do NOT make claims for more than 3 years normally attract a special discount for it. But don't be taken aback if your agent tells you your vehicle insurance company does not offer this discount.

If your insurer is one of those who don't give this discount let them know point-blank that you will go to another provider. In fact, you should because you'll certainly get a better deal somewhere else if you've kept a clean slate for this length of time.

Most insurance providers will do everything within their powers to make sure they do NOT lose you and this should draw a concession from them.

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2. Drive as little as as you can because it will lower your mileage and get you a low mileage discount. This certainly is the way to go if you live in a city where you can use standard mass transit systems.

You can equally cut down your mileage by carpooling.

3. A good number of companies offer a retiree discount. The simple logic for this discount is that retirees generally drive less. A driver's annual mileage is a strong factor that affects how much is paid in premiums. So anything that reduces your annual mileage count considerably must reduce your rate.

Don't forget that you qualify for this if you are retired. You can learn more about details from your insurance agent. Even if they don't call it a retiree discount, telling them of a remarkable cut in mileage is advisable. You deserve a reduction in rate if the change in your mileage is big.

Cheap Auto Insurance

4. Mechanisms like automatic gas cut-off, alarms and other theft-deterrent gadgets are recommended. They should attract an anti-theft discount for the obvious argument that they make it less likely that you car will be stolen. Cars without those features are easy targets for car thieves.

5. It's cheaper to insure your car if you reside in a rural area. It is a smart move to live in a lightly populated area if it suits you considering that the risk of vandalism, theft or an auto accident is much less.

6. Do your utmost to always make sure your policy does NOT lapse. It will make you pay expensive premiums for a long time. It's easy for this to happen to many individuals while they are changing to another insurance provider.

Don't cancel your old policy until the new one is fully in force and you'll not make this costly mistake. Many individuals are paying more than they should simply because they made this mistake. So do take care so you don't become one of them.

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7. Is it possible you have a car that you've not used for a long while? Is one of your cars been covered in the garage for up to six months because it's broken? Have you removed it from your auto insurance policy?

The painful reality is that more people than you could imagine are paying higher rates than they should because of such negligence. Don't make this mistake.

8. You can get lower quotes on auto insurance today by visiting at least five quotes sites. Each site will require around 5 minutes or less to request quotes. (Some people fill in details that is not really true about themselves. That is NOT wise as the quotes you'll get this way won't be of any use to you).

You'll have to choose what represents the best auto insurance quote for you from the list of quotes obtained. It's as simple as that. But you could easily save hundreds of dollars.

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