Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Lower Vehicle Insurance Rate -- Simple But Sure-Fire Tips

1. Do your best to always make sure your car insurance does NOT lapse. You'll attract more expensive rates for a long time if this happens to you albeit inadvertently. Don't make this mistake while changing insurers since that's when this happens to a lot of folks.

To avoid a lapse, ensure the new policy is fully in place before you terminate the old. It appear to be simple but, take it or leave it, many individuals are paying higher rates today simply because they made this mistake.

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2. If you opt to pay your premiums monthly, you'll pay more expensive rates. Notwithstanding the fact that this alternative is often more convenient, it costs more for some reasons..

There are transaction fees that are incurred when processing a check. All through a year, your monthly checks would be processed separately because they are all different transactions. This implies that you'll pay transaction fees twelve times..

That's one side of it: Insurance companies also incur certain admnistrative costs for your monthly payments. For instance, it costs some money to send payment notices each and every month.

These costs plus a profit margin for this this "value-added service" is added to your rates making it higher than another of the same profile that pays yearly every year.

3. Do you know of all the discounts that your insurer offers? It is possible that your agent did not remember to tell you about some. You'll lower the odds of this happening to you if you take the pains to ask your agent seriously to tell you about every discount that is available. Don't be surprised if you discover some that you've never heard of.

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4. There are course that are set up to improve your driving. Participate in them. In addition to the fact that they will reduce your rate, they will help keep you and others safer.

5. You'll attract lower auto insurance rates if you pay by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This process authorizes your bank to credit your insurer with your premiums automatically until you stipulate otherwise. This removes administrative overheads like those involved in sending payment notices. This is why this results in lower premium.

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6. You could save some hundreds of dollars by simply getting and evaluating quotes from at least five quotes sites. And, it will require just a total of 25 minutes.

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