Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Affordable Vehicle Insurance -- How To Qualify

With the right advice you'll get more affordable rates for adequate coverage. But also bear in mind that you could make savings if you use the wrong tips. The only difference is that you will be compromised in the quality of coverage you get. I will, nevertheless, only make suggestions that will save you much while you still keep enjoying sufficient coverage...

1. For those who are less than 25 years, car insurance rates can be quite outrageous. If you belong to this age bracket you can get cheaper rates if you maintain good grades at school.

This discount is for those who get A's or a minimum of B's. This will slash off as much as 5 percent from your rate once you qualify. Reckless under-25 drivers are very unlikely to maintain excellent grades.

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2. If you are a senior citizen you can cut down your rate if you completed courses designed for elderly drivers. Since going through this could earn you a discount as high as 10%, it is definitely worth considering. To find out the finer details of what to do and the amount you can save with your insurer, talk with your agent.

3. Are you retired? Then you can get a retiree discount with several insurance companies. The plain logic for this discount is that retired persons usually drive less. Driving less will lead to lower mileage which certainly makes you a better risk.

This savings option is certainly not one any retired person should ignore. Get your insurance provider's stance on this from your agent. And, if your he/she says they do NOT have this particular discount, do your best to show the remarkable difference in your mileage. You deserve a reduction in rate if the difference in your mileage is big.

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4. Mechanisms such as automatic gas cut-off, alarms and other theft-deterrent devices are helpful. The risk of theft is a crucial parameter that determines your rate. And since these devices reduce the probability, you'll receive a good discount if they are fitted in your car. Car thieves will think twice before trying to go for a vehicle with theft-deterrent devices.

5. Some insurers will give you a discount if you are part of an auto club. Even though you shouldn't look to be given massive discounts for this, every little discount you can garner will add up to much when added to other such discounts.

6. Being a member of associations, moreso the bigger ones, might give you access to discounts on your vehicle insurance. Insurance companies give these associations group discounts in the hope that they will in that one move attract a good number of their members to get a vehicle insurance policy from them. So ask, one of those groups might have concessions that will benefit you.

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7. You deserve a sizeable discount if your child doesn't use the vehicle for a protracted length of time because he/she is is in college. If your kid is is away at school then you should discuss with your auto insurance agent about the possibility of getting this discount. While you're advised to make a move, you must bear in mind that this isn't one of several standard discounts that all insurance carriers offer.

8. You will save a lot of money in auto insurance if you get and compare auto insurance quotes from insurance quotes sites. You'll make savings if you use just one of such sites. But, you will get more by visiting at least five.

The simple reason for this is that you'll receive many more auto insurance quotes from a wider range of insurers. This raises your chances of getting better quotes.

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