Car insurance is something that virtually everyone has to have. There are some exceptions, but for the most part, if you get caught driving without it, you can be in a lot of trouble. There are many states that will not allow you to register a vehicle unless you can prove that you have current insurance on that vehicle.
If you lease or finance a new or used automobile, you have to have full coverage on the car or truck. People who own their car or truck to carry full coverage insurance as they can choose liability if they wish. Choosing liability insurance is usually pretty cheap, but it's not always a good idea.
Liability insurance should be included in any auto insurance coverage you buy. liability insurance is used to cover any damages that are your fault if there is an accident.
This is the bare minimum that you can get when you buy. Without this, you would have to pay for all types of damage right out of your own pocket. If you have the liability insurance, your insurance company has to pay, though you may have a deductible that you must pay on your own. It is truly dependent on your policy coverage in your insurance company.
If you select to purchase liability insurance solely, you will not be able to recover any money if someone else causes damage to your car or truck. They should, by rights, have liability insurance as well, and that money will come from their insurance company. However, you never know what is going on with anyone on the road, and some do drive without insurance. If that person were to be involved in an accident with you, you may be out of luck.
if worse came to worst, you could take them to court and sue them but chances are if they can't afford to pay for liability insurance they won't be able to pay a judgment that is registered against them either.
It is forever wise to have full coverage insurance on any car, but there are times when this is too pricey. Those just starting out in life may only have this bare minimum coverage, but chances are they also have a car that is not worth very much. As they get older though, and become more able to afford more expensive cars, it is a really good idea to have more than just your ordinary liability insurance. As with home and life insurance, it is always good to keep in mind the unknown and to understand you never know what will happen.
If it is in your ability always try to get the most possible coverage for yourself because if you ever need it you will be happy you did.
If you lease or finance a new or used automobile, you have to have full coverage on the car or truck. People who own their car or truck to carry full coverage insurance as they can choose liability if they wish. Choosing liability insurance is usually pretty cheap, but it's not always a good idea.
Liability insurance should be included in any auto insurance coverage you buy. liability insurance is used to cover any damages that are your fault if there is an accident.
This is the bare minimum that you can get when you buy. Without this, you would have to pay for all types of damage right out of your own pocket. If you have the liability insurance, your insurance company has to pay, though you may have a deductible that you must pay on your own. It is truly dependent on your policy coverage in your insurance company.
If you select to purchase liability insurance solely, you will not be able to recover any money if someone else causes damage to your car or truck. They should, by rights, have liability insurance as well, and that money will come from their insurance company. However, you never know what is going on with anyone on the road, and some do drive without insurance. If that person were to be involved in an accident with you, you may be out of luck.
if worse came to worst, you could take them to court and sue them but chances are if they can't afford to pay for liability insurance they won't be able to pay a judgment that is registered against them either.
It is forever wise to have full coverage insurance on any car, but there are times when this is too pricey. Those just starting out in life may only have this bare minimum coverage, but chances are they also have a car that is not worth very much. As they get older though, and become more able to afford more expensive cars, it is a really good idea to have more than just your ordinary liability insurance. As with home and life insurance, it is always good to keep in mind the unknown and to understand you never know what will happen.
If it is in your ability always try to get the most possible coverage for yourself because if you ever need it you will be happy you did.
About the Author:
This article was authored by Frank Froggatt, an expert on car insurance. If you would like more valuable information on comparing car insurance then visit my website at
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