If you are thinking of buying another car, think a million times. Aside from the fact that we are experiencing economic crisis right now, buying a new vehicle can also affect your car insurance rates. If you are considering of buying fancy sports car or something to show off to your friends, then I guess you also have to prepare yourself for paying more on your car insurence premiums.
A study conducted by the Highway Loss Data Institute found that the type of vehicle that you drive do affect your car insurence premiums. There are certain cars (like sports car) that demand higher car insurence rates and there those that are not. Remember this golden rule: If your car costs more to repair or poses higher chance for theft activities or auto insurance claims, then you may be paying more for your car insurance premiums. If you wanna get cheap car insurence quotes rates, here are the important things that you need to consider before you buy your car:
If you are looking for the type of vehicle which is less likely to be stolen go for Buick LeSabre. According to the study, this type of vehicle has "relatively no chance of a theft loss." In opposite, a Chevrolet Corvette has a whooping average of over 5 times for theft loss rate. In addition, between Toyota Celica and Toyota Camry, Toyota Celica posted 67% higher chance of being stolen as compared to Toyota Camry.
If you are wondering what's the best choice for crash test performance is, said study found 2002 Lexus IS 300 as the one. However, since this is an expensive car, remember this also asks for expensive repairs hence higher car insurance premiums.
If you are worried about your safety, then you may want to consider Porsche 911, if you have the money for it. This vehicle is listed as having 67% of less chance for auto insurance claims. Meanwhile, the Mitsubishi Lancer is noted as having almost 2 times higher for injury claim rate.
A study conducted by the Highway Loss Data Institute found that the type of vehicle that you drive do affect your car insurence premiums. There are certain cars (like sports car) that demand higher car insurence rates and there those that are not. Remember this golden rule: If your car costs more to repair or poses higher chance for theft activities or auto insurance claims, then you may be paying more for your car insurance premiums. If you wanna get cheap car insurence quotes rates, here are the important things that you need to consider before you buy your car:
If you are looking for the type of vehicle which is less likely to be stolen go for Buick LeSabre. According to the study, this type of vehicle has "relatively no chance of a theft loss." In opposite, a Chevrolet Corvette has a whooping average of over 5 times for theft loss rate. In addition, between Toyota Celica and Toyota Camry, Toyota Celica posted 67% higher chance of being stolen as compared to Toyota Camry.
If you are wondering what's the best choice for crash test performance is, said study found 2002 Lexus IS 300 as the one. However, since this is an expensive car, remember this also asks for expensive repairs hence higher car insurance premiums.
If you are worried about your safety, then you may want to consider Porsche 911, if you have the money for it. This vehicle is listed as having 67% of less chance for auto insurance claims. Meanwhile, the Mitsubishi Lancer is noted as having almost 2 times higher for injury claim rate.
About the Author:
Check out this site for cheap Car Insurence Quotes rates at http://www.carinsurencequotesreview.com/. Believe me, I got my cheap car insurance from that website. Click here for article submissions.
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