Make sure your car insurance is paid up, even if you are low on money.At the time it may seem like a good idea! How bad can it be to stop paying for car insurance?
As tough as it might be, keep your insurance going, any other decision is foolish.You may think that you are saving money but you are putting yourself at great risk. The possible penalty for getting caught is in no way worth it.
Immediate and future problems are likely to arise from this decision. Some are fortunate enough to avoid immediate encounters with the police.You might make it for a while with no accidents.Even if this is the case, by no means are you off the hook.
This decision has a domino effect at tag renewal time. To purchase your tags you must provide proof of insurance. Who insures you, is one of the main questions you will be asked, and it will be confirmed.
If you lie about where your insurance currently is, it will be discovered. Wait and see what happens when you tell them you are uninsured.
Insurance companies place these people in special pools for the uninsured. These pools separate you from others and cover you with an inflated charge. At a minimum six months you will have to shell out amounts that are simply pathetic.
This is when you will realize that you made a bad choice.If you are involved in a car accident when you have no insurance, you will have some real problems! The costs of medical, repairs, and more will be your responsibility.
You must pay for anyone that was concerned. Simply being stopped by the police will be trouble enough. Police always require your insurance documents.
If you don't have any then you face serious consequences. He/she will probably issue you an outrageous ticket.You could even get your driver's license suspended and possibly go to jail.
Often states will enforce a point system which would further affect your driving record. This will cause your insurance rates to soar.
Driving without insurance also shows that you have no financial responsibility.So while you think that you can't afford car insurance. But believe that your costs will be greater if you do not have it.
As tough as it might be, keep your insurance going, any other decision is foolish.You may think that you are saving money but you are putting yourself at great risk. The possible penalty for getting caught is in no way worth it.
Immediate and future problems are likely to arise from this decision. Some are fortunate enough to avoid immediate encounters with the police.You might make it for a while with no accidents.Even if this is the case, by no means are you off the hook.
This decision has a domino effect at tag renewal time. To purchase your tags you must provide proof of insurance. Who insures you, is one of the main questions you will be asked, and it will be confirmed.
If you lie about where your insurance currently is, it will be discovered. Wait and see what happens when you tell them you are uninsured.
Insurance companies place these people in special pools for the uninsured. These pools separate you from others and cover you with an inflated charge. At a minimum six months you will have to shell out amounts that are simply pathetic.
This is when you will realize that you made a bad choice.If you are involved in a car accident when you have no insurance, you will have some real problems! The costs of medical, repairs, and more will be your responsibility.
You must pay for anyone that was concerned. Simply being stopped by the police will be trouble enough. Police always require your insurance documents.
If you don't have any then you face serious consequences. He/she will probably issue you an outrageous ticket.You could even get your driver's license suspended and possibly go to jail.
Often states will enforce a point system which would further affect your driving record. This will cause your insurance rates to soar.
Driving without insurance also shows that you have no financial responsibility.So while you think that you can't afford car insurance. But believe that your costs will be greater if you do not have it.
About the Author:
To learn more click here: Low Cost Auto Insurance and Discount Auto Insurance. Chimezirim Odimba is an insurance expert.
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