Very Cheap Auto Insurance -Tips That Guarantee Affordable Car Insurance Rates (Video)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Auto Insurance Found Cheap With Three Easy Steps

By Paul Amador


Cheap auto insurance has become difficult to find and obtain not only because of the amount of claims, accidents, and types of drivers in our society, but also because of the financial crisis that has stricken the industry.

During bad economic times, finding ways to get affordable insurance coverage online is a vital step towards saving significant sums of money each month. To get the lowest rates and quotes, follow the three steps below to help you find ways to cut possibly hundreds of dollars off your auto insurance payment.

Step One - Coverage: Is what you want what you actually need?

Remember, just because you want cheap auto insurance quotes doesn't necessarily mean that you have to get the lowest coverage around. We say "cheap" but what we really mean is quality coverage for an affordable price. Additionally, sometimes, drivers are compelled to take on various types of coverage. If you are financing your auto purchase, for example, the lender will always require that you buy a policy with comprehensive and collision coverage.

Step Two - Quotes

Using the Internet as your primary tool for finding inexpensive quotes from several representatives will save you a considerable amount of time and money. Using online quote tools will allow you to compare car insurance quotes side by side at whatever is the most convenient time for you.

In most cases, you only need to answer a minimum amount of questions and provide information about your driving record to get the quotes you need. It's truly fast and easy. Auto insurance quotes are great tools that can save you from spending too much on insurance coverage, and best of all, they are free.

We're all looking for the same thing when it comes to shopping for the right auto insurance company; the cheapest rates from a quality insurer. It could be that you think shopping around for the lowest possible rates for auto insurance simply takes too long. The reality is this: getting the lowest rates for your car insurance is quite easy if you take the time to compare quotes from multiple companies, you'll be able to compare rates instantly from the leading auto insurers nationwide.

Here's a bonus tip for the future that can save you hundreds of dollars: You should compare your rates and policy limits every two years. It's almost frightening how fast things change in the insurance industry. By checking every two years, you give yourself the opportunity of taking advantage of new or special lower rates as well as new discounts.

Step Three - Discount: You have the advantage

There are many discounts available to drivers. They are based on things like your driving record, your credit score, your age, the age of other drivers in your vehicle, how often you drive, how far you drive daily, whether you are college educated, if you are a good student, and so much more. You must check around with different insurance companies to check their discounts, some offers what others do not.

Often times, the best discounts can be had when you purchase combined services such as life, or health insurance along with your auto insurance, the most common combination, however, is car and homeowners (or renters) insurance. Also, if have taken a defensive driving course or you are planning to, you could be in line for valuable discounts as well. Lastly, make sure and check what insurance is required for your cars condition. You do not want to over pay for auto insurance.


It is not as easy as it used to be to get cheap car insurance; however, many companies are competing for your business and an informed consumer can save a lot more than one who is not informed. Make sure you know what discounts you qualify for and make sure you ask for them. By using the three steps above, you can find affordable car insurance easily and quickly

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