Contrary to what you might have thought, it's quite easy to attract an affordable rate. The two things that that keep you from attracting a better rate now are relevant information and a commitment to use the information you get -- Period. Below are several tips that will help you reach this goal...
1. One easy way to make sure you get more affordable rates is by being careful always while driving. Please, ensure that you make it a personal principle not to drive if you even sip any alcoholic beverage.
Driving while drunk, even if mildly will make you get very expensive rates if you're fortunate or be forced to be without car insurance if luck isn't on your side. While alcohol-related traffic offences have very instantaneous and serious consequences, speeding tickets will as well make you pay much more if they pile up. You'll be helping yourself by obeying all traffic laws at all times.
2. You can reduce your rates by going for a multi-vehicle discount. Howbeit, there are some cases where you'll save more by insuring each car with different insurance carriers. You can find out which will serve you best by simply doing a little research before taking this step. But however you look at it, a multi-vehicle discount is a great way to get lower rates.
3. Holding multiple policies with a given insurance carrier equally draws a considerable discount. This definitely implies you should try to buy your auto insurance policy from the same carrier that provides your renters, health or other insurance policies.
Nevertheless, I must stress that you might NOT be saving as much as you could by changing to another insurer. Do comparison shopping with quotes sites and also have a chat with your insurance agent. Once you do this, you'll not be taking a blind leap as you make your choice since know definitely which brings bigger savings.
4. People who don't make claims for above 3 years usually attract a discount for it. A number of insurance providers don't give this discount without some persuasion.
If your insurance provider is one of the few who don't offer this discount let them know point-blank that you'll move over to another provider. In fact, you should because you will certainly get a better deal somewhere else if you've kept a clean slate for this number of years.
However, more often than not a serious threat of switching from you will be enough to make them make an exemption.
5. You are definitely paying too much if you've got collision and comprehensive coverage types for an old vehicle that is not a classic. A car's Kelly Blue Book value at point of making claims (and not the price of the car when you bought it) is what affects what you'll get from an insurance provider. Therefore, you will get nothing if the book says that your car is worth nothing as at when you make a claim.
So, stop wasting your money. If your car gets old, cut out collision and comprehensive coverage types on it. If you take this step you'll make big savings.
6. Choosing high deductibles is a standard step to attract lower rates. The recommended choice is the highest you can afford easily.
Your insurer you to contribute this amount. Therefore make it as high as you can but ensure it's within easy reach.
7. Drive as little as possible because it will lower your mileage and make you eligible for a low mileage discount. This is relevant more to folks whose profession and place of residence make it easy for them to use standard mass transit networks.
You can equally reduce your mileage by carpooling.
8. Make out some time to visit a minimum of 5 insurance quotes sites that return quotes on auto insurance policies. It will require around 25 minutes.
While you visit each site, make sure you input the same details. Doing otherwise will return misleading results. When you've received your auto insurance quotes, compare them to determine which serves your interest best in price/value.