If you happen to own and operate a motor vehicle in Texas, you are required to have Texas auto insurance coverage. The type of insurance coverage that Texas law requires drivers to have is called liability insurance. This type of coverage has a minimum standard that must be met for a driver to legally operate a vehicle on the Texas roadways.
Companies who issue Texas auto insurance are well aware of the amounts of liability insurance a driver must carry. You need not worry about trying to determine what those amounts are, as a representative of the insurance company you choose can inform you of the amount of coverage you need at a minimum. You can certainly choose to carry more insurance than the legally required amount, but that will cost you more money.
When thinking about your budget, you really have to consider that your Texas auto insurance premiums are non-negotiable. This means that you have to pay them, no matter what. If you choose not to, you are in violation of the law. Of course, if you get caught without the proper insurance coverage, there will be consequences. The least of the consequences will be a fine.
If you think that you can possibly get away with not having coverage by signing up for a policy and then dropping it once you get an insurance card, or by presenting a fake card when you are asked to show proof of insurance, you might be interested in knowing that there is a system in place to prevent you from doing so.
The fact is that Texas auto insurance providers are required to report information on vehicles and proof of insurance coverage to a database that can be accessed by law enforcement personnel. That means, if you get stopped, the officer can easily check and see if your vehicle is currently insured.
So, the best thing to do, and the right thing to do is to follow the laws and make sure that you carry at least the minimum amount of liability insurance that is required by the state. That way, you don't have to worry about a fine, or worse, being sued for not being insured.
Companies who issue Texas auto insurance are well aware of the amounts of liability insurance a driver must carry. You need not worry about trying to determine what those amounts are, as a representative of the insurance company you choose can inform you of the amount of coverage you need at a minimum. You can certainly choose to carry more insurance than the legally required amount, but that will cost you more money.
When thinking about your budget, you really have to consider that your Texas auto insurance premiums are non-negotiable. This means that you have to pay them, no matter what. If you choose not to, you are in violation of the law. Of course, if you get caught without the proper insurance coverage, there will be consequences. The least of the consequences will be a fine.
If you think that you can possibly get away with not having coverage by signing up for a policy and then dropping it once you get an insurance card, or by presenting a fake card when you are asked to show proof of insurance, you might be interested in knowing that there is a system in place to prevent you from doing so.
The fact is that Texas auto insurance providers are required to report information on vehicles and proof of insurance coverage to a database that can be accessed by law enforcement personnel. That means, if you get stopped, the officer can easily check and see if your vehicle is currently insured.
So, the best thing to do, and the right thing to do is to follow the laws and make sure that you carry at least the minimum amount of liability insurance that is required by the state. That way, you don't have to worry about a fine, or worse, being sued for not being insured.
About the Author:
Emma is an expert in auto insurance, staying connected to the Texas car insurance landscape and the best Texas car insurance quotes sites.